Phandroid LIVE: Event Recap

Wow. Thanks to everyone who showed up for Phandroid LIVE in Baltimore and thanks to our sponsor – Verizon Wireless. I know the Phandroid Team had an amazing time and judging from the feedback, our first ever Phandroid LIVE event was a huge success.

The event was from 6pm to 8pm and smack dab in the middle we had a live podcast which you can listen to at our or it’s embedded below:

Definitely one of our best podcasts so far and it was a blast to do with a live audience.

We had a ton of other stuff going on in addition to the podcast. Verizon folks were hanging out with us the entire time, showing off their latest Droids including the Droid X, Droid 2, Droid Incredible and Samsung Fascinate. Oh yeah, and they gave us FOUR phones to give a way – here is one of the lucky winners:

We also held out T-Shirt Design Contest, which you were also able to vote on here at, and the winning T-Shirt which we’ll look into putting into production now:

It was noted that since you can’t connect a dot more than once, that the line should actually end in the middle, so we’ll make that change with possibly a few adjustments, but more or less this will be the first Official Phandroid T-Shirt!

Thanks to everyone who made this event such a huge success. It was great to meet all the other Phandroids in the Baltimore area, not to mention the folks who drove hundreds of miles to come hang out with us on a Tuesday night. For example, Jose came all the way from Hershey, PA and we had a number of other people cut out of work early or make a haul to hang out.

Check out the pictures from the event below… and we know, we know… we’re working on getting a nice gallery plugin so clicking through isn’t such an irritation:

We can’t wait to have another Phandroid LIVE event – stay tuned to and we’ll let you know as soon as something is planned.

Almost forget- for those eagerly waiting an update to the Phandroid Application, including homescreen widgets and Android Forums support, it is on the way. Attendees got an early look at the UI along with an (almost) fully functioning news section.

Thanks again to everyone who was there for making Phandroid LIVE such a success  and we hope to see you again soon, at least on the interwebz if not in real life!

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