A Couple of Days Ahead of Autumn, Cellular South Touts their Samsung Galaxy S

It’s been a few months since regional carrier Cellular South announced the Samsung Galaxy S – which looks to be more like the Samsung Vibrant on T-Mobile in its appearance – and at that time we were only given a broad window of “Fall”. Well, Fall is almost literally right around the corner and Cellular South’s published their teaser page for the device, leading us to believe that we’ll see it in the earlier parts of the season. What can you do with your new Samsung Galaxy S once Cellular South launches it? We’ll just let their site fill you in:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

samsung galaxy s cellular south

Coming by the holidays, the Samsung Galaxy™ S
Powered by Android™

The Samsung Galaxy S unleashes the power of Android, delivering the apps you want and need. It’s got a beautiful, fully customizable screen that’s tailor-made for cinema-quality entertainment.

It’s faster, more powerful, and more beautiful than any phone you’ve ever seen.

Discover Apps (pre-loaded on the Galaxy S) is your guide to the apps that you want the most, all reviewed and recommended by our Discover Center team. This CS Original App will help you find and use the very best apps for your Galaxy S smartphone, chosen from among the thousands available in Android Market™.

And that’s all there is to know pretty much, but you can at least now sign up at their website right now to be notified of the device’s pricing and availability once Cellular South’s ready to release that information. Head on over there now to do just that.

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