Unreal Engine 3 May Be Headed to Android Soon

Don’t take this as a bit of official confirmation, but hearing it from the mouth of Epic’s Mark Rein – the company’s co-founder – pretty much seals a deal we’ve been waiting for: they’re developing their popular Unreal Engine 3 for the Android platform. We know they’ve been cooking up a nice pot of good Unreal goodness for Android for a while now with them showing the capabilities of the Engine running on top of a Tegra 2-powered Android, but that was just a tech demo.

A few days ago, Mark Rein said on Twitter that they’d just showed the engine running on a Samsung Galaxy S phone. He didn’t give any insight as to how the engine was running on it, but it must’ve been good enough to show it at a trade show. Later that evening, he gave this answer when asked if the UDK (Unreal Development Kit) would ever make its way to Android:

“…I suspect it will eventually but iOS is the priority for now.”

Not surprising to hear that they’re going full sail ahead with iOS, but it’s reassuring to know they’re working on Android and that it sits at the back of their mind. As we wait for even more devices to launch within the next few months that should give Epic enough juice to take tremendous advantage of with their hardware, we’ll settle with some popular iOS games making their way to Android one by one.

[via Droid Gamers]

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