With every cool little bit of news about the Motorola Droid R2-D2 the dormant geek inside me stirs a little. If you loved Star Wars as much as I did growing up you probably understand, but to be blunt carrying a Star Wars themed Android smartphone isn’t exactly shouting from the mountain tops “I am the coolest cat you know.” No, far from it really. But if you want to get a little bit of Star Wars joy every time you turn on your phone without carrying the baggage of a geek-tastic deco on your handset (not that there is anything wrong with that) the official boot animation for the Empire Strikes Back edition Droid has made its way to the internet.
This may be hands down the coolest boot animation I have seen yet, with a classic Star Wars opening over a star field followed by Artoo’s twitchy head as the phone boots. There is also a sound file to go along with it, though most users don’t seem to be having luck with it. If you want to download the animation and install it, full instructions are over at DroidLife in the source link below.
[via DroidLife]