Samsung: AMOLED Production to Ramp Up to 30 million Units Per Month in 2011

We’ve long known that Samsung was building a multi-billion dollar production plant for their hard-to-find AMOLED display, but they didn’t tell us just how much it’d help their issues with getting the technology to their partners. We still don’t have too clear of an idea, but the 30 million units per month figure is up from the 3 million per month that they’re currently pushing out. That’s simply ridiculous (in the good and unbelievable way).

The plant is expected to be done in 2011 as it’ll sit somewhere near their home turf in Seoul. It’s expected to cost them $2.1 billion to get everything up and running and it’s said it’ll only be used to produce displays for 3-inch phones (though isn’t wasn’t clear if this included the 3.7-inches on most of the phones we’ve seen debut with AMOLED in 2010). The short supply of the Samsung-produced AMOLED displays have been the cause of shortages across many of HTC’s smartphones, including the HTC Desire, Nexus One, and – most notoriously – the HTC Droid Incredible, among products from other manufacturers.

They’ve already ditched AMOLED for Super LCD to get back on track with smartphone shipments, but there’s no telling if HTC (and others) will be ready to re-embrace AMOLED once (or if) Samsung’s proven they can keep up.

[via WSJ]

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