Google: “Hey Jobs, We Aren’t Counting Upgrades in Our Activation Numbers”

I don’t care how big of an Android fan you are: whenever Steve Jobs takes the stage, everyone deep in the tech universe tunes in to see what he’ll have to say. Yesterday, Jobs threw a little jab at “their friends” (Google, if you aren’t keeping up) while boasting their 230,000 iOS activations per day by saying…

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We think some of our friends are counting upgrades in their numbers.

I couldn’t refute that as I didn’t know exactly what Google considers to be 200,000 (the number they boasted back in early August) Android activations. Google themselves can refute that, though, and they did by saying…

The Android activation numbers do not include upgrades and are, in fact, only a portion of the Android devices in the market since we only include devices that have Google services.

Which also means that many tablets are excluded from this number (if the manufacturer obeys licensing procedure). Whatever the case is, I have a feeling that Schmidt or someone from Google will chime in with an updated number pretty soon as we know a lot can change in a month’s time.

[CNN via Androinica]

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