VEVO For Android In Development

vevoI wasn’t personally familiar with online video site VEVO until they started demolishing the pageviews through some sort of partnership with YouTube. A partnership indeed, as VEVO is actually a joint effort put forth by Google/Youtube and Universal to create a portal dedicated to music.

The site has quickly risen to attract much fanfare, surely do in part to the site’s results being listed in YouTube, but all that great content doesn’t hurt either. In June, VEVO added Sony Music to the partnership, they’ve already got EMI, and Warner is said to be reconsidering the opportunity.

As the “Hulu for Music”, VEVO continues to push forward, not only online but on mobile as well. In an announcement this week, VEVO comes to the iPhone and iPod touch, but it’s in the notes that our own interests are fulfilled:

PS.  We are also working on VEVO for iPad and wanted to take the time to make it extra special so we hope to bring it to you as soon as possible. VEVO for Android and other mobile platforms are also in the works so stay tuned

They list AT&T as the “exclusive” provider of the application, but I’m guessing that’s simply because they only released iPhone/iPod versions and guess what? You can only get those at AT&T. I severely doubt VEVO will be exclusive on any specific carrier come Android.

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