Android Users Less Faithful in Relationships, Says Questionable Study


Who doesn’t love the strange? A little extramarital coitus. You know what I’m talking about. Android users, iPhone users. We can’t get enough of it, or that’s what one study conducted by is reporting. As a point of reference, AshleyMadison is a service geared towards helping those in relationships to find individuals with which to cheat on their significant others. So using their site traffic data, they have determined that out of the 305,623 thousand of those visiting the smarmy, no-good, lying, cheating version of OKCupid on their smartphones, 143,000 were Android users while a smaller slice at 114,000 pocket the iPhone on a daily basis.

But as MobileCrunch is quick to point out, aside from the figures being presented by a company based around cheating being dubious at best, if you perform a few more calculations you will find that Android users are really no more likely to cheat at all. MobileCrunch calculates that based on 75 million Android users and 60 million iPhone users, when the AshleyMadison figures are converted into percentages of total users on a platform both operating systems end up with a rate of 0.19 percent cheaters.

And we shouldn’t even need to go into discussions on how the percentage of cheating partners using a service like AshleyMadison represent a small slice of the unfaithful as a whole, and we just can’t put much stock into the figures. Besides, we all know a hardcore Android user would be more upset with their partner if they cheated on Google’s OS and started using an iPhone rather than slept with their best friend after a wild drunken night at a party. Yeah. Right.

[via MobileCrunch]

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