It’s probably not of primary concern when comparison shopping for Android Phones, but the Motorola Droid can, “take pictures from outer space so clear that you can see the curvature of the earth.”
Bobby Russell, a scientifically curious man from San Diego, launched a weather balloon on August 16th. Attached to that weather balloon was a styrafoam container (nicknamed the Droid1) carrying a GPS device and a Motorola Droid. Although the balloon was supposed to touch down a few hours later, heavy winds carried the experiment WAY out of range, and the team at QuestForStars assumed their project was lost.
Not so- the Quest For Stars continued when a Search & Rescue Team volunteered to attempt recovery of the balloon as part of a training excercise. They searched… and they rescued!
I completely agree with the news anchor that the pictures taken from the Droid were nothing short of spectacular. If you haven’t watched the above video yet… do yourself a favor as this is truly great stuff.
Bundles of props to the QuestForStars team and to all those in the Android world galaxy doing cool, original, zany, wacky, unique things with their Android devices: this is the kind of news we love to see so give us a shout!
That is AMAZING!.
Inb4 not news.
I used my droid to take pics of the lines of coke I was doing off a hooker on Monday.
Talk about your “spectacular views”
“one small step for man…one giant leap for droidkind”
Droid does Outerspace!
Isn’t there a Tether App for the Droid?
Nice Android logo on the box, too. I wonder if Google’s giving him any money? If not, they might after they see this clip! :)
People already did this with a G1.
not to take a dump on anybody’s parade…but those pictures aren’t taken by the droid. The pictures were taken by the point and shoot camera’s mounted in the box alongside the droid. the fact that an android phone still played a major role in this venture is still pretty sweet.
@pieter…That’s what I was thinking, but hey, they probably used the DROID to track down the unit when it landed.
It says in the video the balloon was launched on August 6, not August 16.
@pieter the very first line reads:
“the Motorola Droid can, take pictures from outer space so clear that you can see the curvature of the earth.”………………………
I’m not impressed by the pictures. But I am impressed by how good Geraldo is looking!