Does LG Prefer Android Or Windows Phone?

Time and time again we’ve heard that LG plans to expand their Android offering to make up the majority of their smartphone product line. Just last week we heard LG would ship 20 smartphones in 2010 with 15 of them running Android. They expect to sell 6 million Android Phones in 2010 with 70% of that being driven by Android.

Sounds promising, but up until now LG has been greatly outshined by HTC and Motorola, currently the two dominant forces in Android manufacturing. Industry sources note that both the #2 and #3 handset makers (Samung and LG) plan to make Android a more primary focus, but what’s the delay?

Perhaps the delay is due to Windows Phone 7 and LG’s relationship with Microsoft. It is rumored that, “The company told Korean reporters it expects WP7 to outperform the two rival smartphone operating systems, as well as giving users compatibility with existing Microsoft Office programs such as Word and Excel.”

Really? Android is about to grow over 500% year over year and you’re still waiting on the 500 pound gorilla sloth? Welcome to The Hardy Boys and the Case of the Mixed Mobile Messages.

In reality, I can only think and hope that one of three things are at work here:

  1. This either wasn’t said or was misquoted
  2. Windows Phone’s two rival operating systems are actually WebOS and BlackBerry OS since Android and iOS are so far ahead
  3. The company was simply trying to appease Microsoft by making a strong claim in favor of their partner that, thanks to the reach of the interwebz, comes back to bite them in the butt

If this was said, I think it’s just a matter of public relations politics. In the old days, you could brown nose your partners without having their competitors hear. These days, everything you said gets scrutinized and travels the world over in 11 seconds. It’s tough to be both honest and optimistic about all of your partners when so many of them are competing with each other.

Any way you twist this story, I hope LG decides to up the ante and put some real power behind their Android phones, maybe even dropping a flagship device or two on a global scale. It’s no secret that I was a big proponent of the LG Voyager and consider it the best keyboard I’ve used to date. Since then they’ve rolled the Voyager name into the enV Touch…

So LG… how about an LG enV Android or three?

[Via UnwiredView, WMExperts]

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