The Dell Blaze With Android 1.5?

Looks like Dell isn’t just trying to take the mobile phone market with a headstrong approach using high-end devices: this newly leaked Dell Blaze looks to be an entry level offering that they hope will attract those consumers whose wallets don’t agree with the pricier options. It’s said that the phone – leaked by AndroidSpin – will come preinstalled with Android 1.5 with no word on whether or not it’ll be upgraded in the future.

It’s shown running the same custom interface that Dell’s looking to put on some of their other handsers, including the Dell Aero and the now-popular Dell Thunder. I can’t say I’m upset about the inclusion of Android 1.5: this looks to be the type of phone that someone walks into the store and looks at after they’ve just remembered they’ve been due for an upgrade after 5 years. The common consumer might fancy something like this, so why not aim for them?

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