Archos 32 Internet Tablet Crosses Paths with FCC


We’re not sure if you can really call a device with a 3.2-inch display a tablet (we are thinking that’s more in the range of MID), but Archos has gone ahead and done it. Their Archos 32 Internet Tablet has hit the FCC, leaving a trail of pictures and even a manual in its wake. The Android-powered device features capacitive touch-buttons for navigation below the screen, including a directional pad surrounded by your standard Android buttons.

Connectivity is as expected: GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi. There is a 3.5mm headphone jack and integrated speaker, and the device contains a microphone but seems to lack any sort of camera based on the user’s manual. You’ll be able to pick up a 720p video dock among other accessories. It should be selling for right around $150 when it goes out for sale over the coming months. Hit up the source link for more images.

[via Engadget]

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