Best Buy to Produce Android Tablet

Because at this point even your mother is probably currently developing a tablet to cash in on the market reborn by Apple’s runaway hit the iPad, Best Buy’s Rocketfish brand is hard at work on their own. Well, to be fair, hard at work might be a bit of a stretch as it looks like the Rocketfish tablet might just be a rebranded HP Slate judging by striking similarities right down to the docking port. But with talks of the Best Buy tablet coming from an HP Design, so come speculation as to what the tablet will use as its OS. Windows 7? Linux? Or, a top choice among tablet producers as of late, Android?

Turns out we don’t have to dote on the answer to the question at all. Just as Best Buy CTO Ralph Stephens was quick to tweet photos of the tablet, so was web strategist Ben Hedrington to release info on the what OS we might find inside. In those regards he said, “be looking for a little green robot on that Best Buy tablet screen…”

Well that about solves it.

The tablet began as a tool to be sued internally by Best Buy only for communications between employees, but after the idea was tossed around a bit the company decided to create it both for use in-store by employees as well as for sale to consumers. Looks like the device will be geared to boost the launch of Best Buy Connect, the companies planned 4G data service.

Not much else is known spec-wise about the device, but it looks pretty darn nice, if I do say so myself. So here is another one for the list of unreleased tablets. Which one stands out the most?

[via Androinica, CrunchGear]

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