Droid 2 August 12 Street Date Confirmed by Best Buy, Same Day as Verizon Droid Training


The date of August 12th has been floating around for a quite a bit now in regards to the launch of the Motorola Droid 2. We have heard that it will be a bit of a soft launch; Verizon isn’t quite ready to blow this phone up like they have been doing with the Droid X. While the powers that be at VZW remain tight-lipped and silent on the Droid 2, a newly obtained Best Buy internal document confirms the 12th as the day we will meet the next Droid. Could Verizon have any final tricks up their sleeve when it comes to the launch of this phone?

In related news, an e-mail has been sent out advertising a Droid training day at Verizon on the same day. On August 12th owners of Droid handsets can sign up or free in-store training. The mailer makes no mention of the Droid 2 but does picture the original. Could Verizon be using this training session to lure in current Droid owners to purchase the follow-up device? Maybe they’ll be cutting early upgrade deals like they did with the Droid X. Just a few more days before all becomes clear.

[via Droid-Life, 2]

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