[Update: It’s True] MyTouch 3G Slide Getting OTA (Not FroYo) Upgrade Tomorrow?

[Update]: It’s true, courtesy of T-Mobile themselves. Go ahead and check for it now. Hit this link for more details.

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While many are awaiting FroYo on their devices of choice (we can confirm at least two user groups – those on the HTC Desire and on the HTC EVO 4G – have already gotten upgraded), MyTouch 3G Slide users will just have to make do with a quick, non-FroYo OTA that will fix some bugs and bring about several enhancements.


TmoNews is our benefactor as their source tells them:

“Beginning August 4, T-Mobile will send an over-the-air (OTA) update to myTouch 3G Slide customers, which will provide a number of benefits, including increased battery performance and enhancements to software features such as Faves Gallery and Genius Button. The update will be sent to customers in staggered waves beginning August 4 and we anticipate all customers will receive it by August 19.”

The update is being deployed in staggered waves and won’t be over until the 19th. We know some of you are just itching for FroYo (and we know HTC’s committed to bringing it to all phones released in 2010) but you’ll just have a while longer to wait.

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