Droid 2 August 12 Release Date Confirmed?


In preparation for the launch of the successor to Verizon’s first Android phone, the Droid 2 launch team has forwarded some slides detailing the timing of the new handset’s arrival to Verizon representatives. An image of one of the slides has surfaced and it seems to reveal Verizon is being slightly more covert with the launch of the new Droid than with others. If the slides are to be believed, the phone will launch in a little over a week on August 12th.

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The interesting part is the slide would also seem to indicate VZW won’t make the phone official until merely two days before then, with an extremely limited pre-order window of just one day (August 11th). My guess is they don’t want to steal the Droid X’s thunder just yet so they are keeping the Droid 2 a bit more low-key, and previous reports indicated that promotions would ramp up for newest phone towards the end of August.

[via Don’t Hate the Geek]

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