Asurion Set to Offer the Droid X and Droid Incredible as Future Replacement Options for Original Droid

Asurion’s taken a huge step in the right direction after all of the heat they’ve gotten when it was revealed you could  no longer receive an original Motorola Droid should you ever need to file a claim. According to a representative for Asurion, they will soon be gearing up to offer a device worthy of replacing the Droid that you no longer have the pleasure of being able to use.

Options will be between an HTC Droid Incredible and the newly released Motorola Droid X. Some users won’t appreciate not being able to get a device with vanilla Android (with the ability to install custom ROMs and do all sorts of neat things to it), but at least you won’t be stuck with an end-of-life device. If it means anything to you, then you might want to hold off on pulling that Asurion trigger until we can confirm that they’ve started offering the devices for replacement.

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