Apple Targets Motorola and the Droid X in Their Latest Antennagate Antics

Was it not widely accepted that the infamous “iPhone 4 reception press conference” was the unofficial end to all of this Antennagate madness? Did Steve Jobs not walk away satisfied after attempt to body slam every smartphone competitor that has ever posed a threat as they brought some of their latest devices up on stage to showcase widespread reception issues outside of the iPhone 4?

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, they say, but it doesn’t keep Steve Jobs away from Motorola as he conveniently forgot to attack them throughout it all. Could they have been waiting on a device from Motorola that actually posed the problem? Or were they just waiting to pounce on Motorola’s latest innovation to attempt to thwart sales? Or are they just being douche bags that can’t seem to properly own up to the problem and admit that their design and engineering team screwed up?

Any of those scenarios are quite likely, but nevertheless, you’ve seen the video in question. Make your own opinion about it. Some have tried the “Death Grip” test on the very same device and could not reproduce the issue – leading others to believe that Apple’s applying some sort of Jedi-force-tricks-voodoo-trickery. (is it obvious that I’m not the hugest of Star Wars fans yet?)

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