Samsung: Don’t Like Your iPhone 4? Here, Have a Free Galaxy S (UK)

Samsung’s really flogging the living hell out of Apple’s misfortunes as of late. Now, they’re extending a hand to all of those inside the walled garden that aren’t satisfied with the fruits, vegetables, and flora inside. After “antennagate”, Samsung’s firing back at all coordinates and they won’t stop until the Apple flag has fallen. On twitter, Samsung’s official account for their UK division responded to several users who were just going on about their merry day tweeting about their iPhone 4 woes. Their suggestion? “Switch to a Galaxy S, we’ll even give it to you for free!”

Tiffany – the lady that Samsung graced with a brand new Galaxy S – told Wired:

“My iPhone and I have been inseparable for almost a month now, tomorrow being one month since the iPhone OS 4 launched. But the honeymoon period ended this week as repeated dropped calls, and a sudden unexplainable inability to make or receive calls or send texts left me disgruntled.

“So I did what anyone else would do: I vented my frustration on Twitter. Imagine my surprise, then, when this morning I am tweeted by Samsung offering me a free Galaxy S, their latest phone. Too good to be true? I decided to investigate.

“I called a friend at Samsung, and though she was initially sceptical (sic), it has now been confirmed: the campaign is legit. Samsung is so confident about the superiority of the Galaxy S that they’re sending free ones to existing iPhone customers so they can decide for themselves.”

That’s ridiculously generous. There are no immediate catches that can be found (carrier contract deals?) and I’m sure Samsung won’t send a free Galaxy S to anyone just claiming to have issues (let’s face it: everyone’s going to want to try it after this), but it’s still pretty awesome to see that they aren’t going to take Apple’s FUD-spreading without a fight.

[Wired via Samsung Hub]

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