Verizon to Cap Data Before August?

Oh, boy: that rumor is starting to turn up again. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of Verizon playing around with the idea of capping data usage for their wireless subscribers, but Engadget suggests Verizon could be finally set to impose those data caps – and that it could be happening before July 2010 expires.

There were no details to be had, but the lack of unlimited data (if you’re not willing to pay per GB, of course) is never a happy thought for paying customers. It’s quite alarming, too, because we just reported that Verizon’s seen a 5x increase in data usage from Motorola Droid X users compared to users of any other devices. One might suggest that this is because the phone is new and people are getting their apps in order and playing with the phone until their fingers fall off, but it would also make sense for Verizon to use that as an excuse to impose these data limitations.

We’ll see if any of this rings true as we enter the last unofficial month of summer.

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