One More Way to School the iPhone: Skies of Glory Brings Live Cross-Platform Multiplayer Gaming to Android

What better way to take out all of your fan-boy hatred than by strapping into a World War II era plane and strafing some iPhone nerds into fiery oblivion. While doing this in real life is a) not advisable, b) completely illegal, and c) a caper the likes of which would take almost too much planning, doing so on your Android phone is simpler than ever.Social Gaming Network has ported their WWII dogfight title (note: not Michael Vick in a Hitler suit throwing money at pit bulls) to Android, and unlike most games that come out for various consoles, the live multiplayer element remains cross-platform.

You can tail your iPhone loving buddies while unloading fierce machine gun fire via WiFi, Bluetooth, and 3G data connections. We’re not saying Apple is like the Third Reich or anything, but we’re not asking you not to.

[via Engadget]

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