A Phandroid’s Story About How He Found A Droid X (Washington, DC)

I’m sure all of the @DroidLanding contest winners have awesome stories regarding their trek to find one of 20+ devices (or vouchers for those devices, more appropriately, but all the same considering you get the device right away), but we are especially flattered that one of our loyal readers was one of the lucky winners and has an awesome story to tell about how he found it.

Blake out in Washington, DC (BlakeDC on AndroidForums.com) found one of the very last Droid X devices – designate #21 – somewhere near Ben’s Chili Bowl after Verizon’s clue-spitting Twitter account led him to the area. A tasty chili dog and some GPS coordinates later, Blake wound up with a brand new Motorola Droid X (and all he had to lose was his sanity, but that was quickly restored by the power of the “X”). Make your way to his site – BreakandMake.com – to read this very lengthy and entertaining tale yourself.

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