
Droid Incredible Gets One-Click Root Thanks to Unrevoked



It was by no means easy for Android hackers to break down the walls surrounding the HTC Droid Incredible, but the task was accomplished. If the whole process of rooting your Incredible the old-fashioned way is just a bit too much to wrap your head around, Unrevoked has now made their one-click root method functional for the DI. You still need a bit of preparation that actually involves more than just one click, so don’t think this will be strictly child’s play, but it sure is a whole lot simpler than before.

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[Note: We are not 100 percent sure if this root method is still compatible with the latest Incredible OTA being pushed starting today. If it does work, then this is indeed a day that may rival that of the Droid Incredible launch for owners of the handset. Feel free to try it out and let us know in the comments.]

[via AndroidCentral]

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  1. It works well. Unfortunately no new cyanogenmod 6 builds for us. :-( There are still some pretty good ROMs out there though.

  2. Yeah… that’s why I’m waiting. give me a BB or Cyanogen and I’m in. Else no need.

  3. This is awesome news for the 7 people who were able to buy the phone!

  4. Confirmed it works. I unrooted this morning, applied the update.zip manually, re-rooted and confirmed busybox, setcpu,and ROM manager are working as designed.

  5. @Matt, yeah… me and the other six folks are loving it. :)

  6. Finally….Hazzah! Thanks to all the guys at Unrevoked.

  7. I love the HTC sense UI myself

  8. @digitalicecream- I know it was a long wait but glad you guys got some root love!

  9. I don’t know what there talking about it was not difficult.compared to the other root ordeal. It was quick and extremely easy but phandroid is a day late on this story this process was out since yesterday morning.

  10. Is there a “simple” version for the Desire root by now?
    Wanted to do that in the holdays. thatd be next week ;)

  11. Happy to say I’m one of those 7 whom were able to get the phone and use this method to get it rooted! :P

  12. I’ll wait till there’s something more to offer from rooting my DI before going ahead with the setup, cooked ROMS and or increased functionality. Phone’s not broke, why fix it.

  13. Funny thing I only wanted root so I can use WIFI Tether I was happy with the phone as is but that was the only thing I wanted.Dont need it for anything else and my other Incredible is a test phone for OC Kernel testing.


  15. Oops forgot my phone was plugged in while i was looking at the program and it rooted my phone by itself, really a painless reflash, so easy a kid could do it

  16. How do I un-root so I can receive ota updates?

  17. Something more? Try WIfi Tethering, SetCPU (underclocking while screen is off stretches the battery for days!), Adfree, Quickboot, LED Flashlight…

    There’s MUCH more you can do with this phone once rooted that you don’t need a rom for.

  18. @ monkeydroid Im running cyanogenmod 6 right now, Under Rom Manager go to Update rom and then Nightlies im running 2.2 :o

  19. I’m just hoping for a full NAND unlock in the future. Great work so far.

  20. oh hooo…
    Wish I could have one of them :)

  21. after rooting with this method would the OTA update play nice together?

  22. What a pain, simple set of instructions would help. After figuring out i had to install the usb bootloader driver, i gave it a try….no avail. It went through the steps, but just rebooted my phone without any changes.

  23. I had gotten amazing at the adb method, but boy, does this take the work right out of the process! Considering that i really dont beleive the froyo august rumors, This tool is amazing. No more timing the sd card. Yes and i am one of those 7 people, only because i bought it at 8am launch day.

  24. Is there a way to unroot it without erasing everything?

  25. It worked perfect except for the fact that my camera no longer works… Did this happen to anyone else?

  26. Same for me: worked great except that the camera no longer works!!! What to do?

  27. It works great on mine, just got it friday and rooted it saturday. You guys are the best..my hats off to you..

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