Verizon Stores Beginning to Stock Up on Droid X Devices

We’re only three days away from Verizon’s big launch day for the Motorola Droid X, so we naturally expected they’d have devices headed to some of their stores already. Droid-Life’s received internal inventory shots showing at least two stores in Portland, OR already has some in stock. One of the stores is an authorized Verizon kiosk with the other being a corporate store. The corporate store seems to have a few more than the kiosk, naturally, but <30 devices is a good amount fewer than we expected to see.

Many factors can dictate how many devices any given store gets, so there’s no indication on stock being” limited” as Droid-Life would put it, but it wouldn’t hurt to be a part of one of those sweet launch day lines we’ve gotten so accustomed to seeing (even if they’re never as big as what you’d see for the launch of a new iOS device).

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