Survey Says: Developers Favor Android

A recent survey of 400 developers from around the globe shows that 60 percent of those working in the mobile space have had some experience working with Android, a number 10 percent higher than the closest trailing platform, iOS. That should explain the tremendous growth in the Android Market’s supply of apps since the end of last year when it stood right around 20,000 to a reported figure from the same survey of 72,000 apps. You don’t have to be a math whiz to add the one up to an exponential growth for the Android platform.

At the same time the survey is quick to point out that developer preferences and the number of available applications doesn’t necessarily translate directly to the size of the install base. Both Android and iPhone see smaller total market shares compared to their overwhelming supply of mobile applications.

The preference towards Android no doubt has much to do with the open nature of Android and Google’s outpouring of developer support. It’s all part of what Vision Mobile, conductors of the research, call developer mindshare, a commodity as valuable as handset market share itself. If their data holds any weight developers definitely have Android on the mind, and when combined with continued platform growth Android is quickly becoming a reckoning force in the market.

[via IntoMobile]

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