eBay App Heading to UK, Canada, and Australia in Coming Days

If I could only count the number of times we have reported on an app release only to see the comments fill up with “Why is this USA only!?” and “You know countries exist outside the US, right?” Well, it seems these folks lurk more than just the Phandroid comments, as one user upset that they couldn’t access the official eBay Android app went to eBay’s Get Satisfaction page and issued their complaint loud and clear. After exploring the reasons for the app not being available, product manager David Breach noted that those in Australia, the UK, and Canada are in for a treat next week.

The eBay app should then be making its way to the Android Market in those fair countries, for all of their beautiful citizens to take part in online auctions from around the world right on their Android handsets. Android takes on step closer to global unity. How’s that for sticking it to the man?

[via Androinica]

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