Chrome Extension Brings Pay on the Go To Android

Google has just launched the Android Payment Chrome extension to allow merchants to accept credit card payments on the go no matter where they are. As long as the purchaser owns an Android phone, that is. Once a merchant goes through the process of setting up a Google Checkout account and creating a webstore through the Store Gadget Widget, the Android Payment extension is installed and ready to accept credit card purchases.

The customer’s shopping cart is filled on on a the laptop carrying the extension and the Checkout with Android button is clicked to produce a QR code. Have your customer scan the code and they will be directed to a page listing their items and total and allowing them to enter their credit card info to complete the payment. There may be a few options offered by third parties that are simpler at the point of sale for mobile payments, but if you need something quick and easy in a pinch this Chrome extension should do the trick.

[via Google]

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