They May Have Missed Q2, but Motorola Has Updated Their Android 2.1 Timeline: Cliq and Cliq XT “testing in process”

Either Motorola is really close to getting the anticipated Android 2.1 update out to the CLIQ and CLIQ XT, or they have just given up on naming a timeframe to avoid the metaphorical tomatoes and other assorted fruits and vegetables owners of those devices have been stockpiling to fling in their direction come the end of this month. Take it how you will but Moto just updated their Android 2.1 timeline listing the status for the CLIQ family of devices as “testing in process.”

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This should mean that they have compiled a build they are happy with and just need to get the final quality checks out of the way before delivering it just slightly later than the promised Q2, right? Here’s hoping…or not. Word from Motorola:

For those asking for an update regarding a software upgrade on CLIQ in the U.S., we’ve made a decision to take more time on the release to optimize the experience in some key areas. We will continue to work to deliver it as soon as possible and apologize that we have been unable to provide an upgrade to these users in Q2 as planned.

We are working hard to provide an upgrade to Android 2.1 as soon as we can. Our consumers’ experience is our first priority and we will provide an upgrade when we can deliver the best possible user experience.

[via Motorola]

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