Dell Streak Brings Full Bluetooth Keyboard Input to Android

The Dell Streak’s identity crisis continues as the Android device starts to skew closer to the tablet and MID side of things rather than as a straight-up smartphone. The latest revelation is the inclusion of the Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Device) profile, allowing the Streak to connect to Bluetooth keyboards and input devices. That’s a first for an Android unit so far.

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Engadget took the time to test out the Streak’s Bluetooth pairing, and were even able to get a mouse running with the device (though lack of cursor support in Android renders this type of input next to pointless). Typing response via an Apple Bluetooth keyboard seems quick. Now typing on a full-sized keyboard for such a small device may seem like overkill, but if you get this thing connected to a television it turns it into quite the portable computing device. Check out the video:

[via Engadget]

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