Teaser Reveals Droid X Twitter

Verizon just teased us with a short clip touting the soon to arrive Droid X, and if you have sharp eyes (or the free time to examine each frame of the clip) you may have caught a small viral plug in the iris of the cyborg eye. The text “@DroidLanding” appears in reverse, which with a bit of deductive reasoning has us headed to a new Twitter account that presumably plans to tease us more with some viral goodies. The eyeball also reveals a few of the more well-known specs of the Droid X upon closer inspection, including HDMI output, 4.3-inch display, and 8MP camera.

For now, the sole tweet from @DroidLanding reads:

REPORT: Droid X units have escaped! Get the stats on them at http://www.droiddoes.com . Forewarned is forearmed.

Which links us to the familiar Droid X landing page at Verizon letting us know the phone is “Coming Soon.”

The whole Droid line has been excellenty marketed by Verizon, positioning Verizon’s top smartphone offerings as the perfect counter to the iPhone by giving them a little more edge and emphasizing their power and functionality. While viral marketing can get a bit trite, it still retains a sense of charm as new information is uncovered through clues and controlled leaks, and it seems like a great approach for the next generation of Droid. So go ahead and click follow on the new Twitter and let the fun (and waiting) begin.

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