T-Mobile Getting A Head Start With the MyTouch Slide Marketing Campaign

The device isn’t set to make a full-scale marketing and launch blitz until June 16th (on a major scale, anyway) but T-Mobile’s starting to get their advertising campaigns out and about for the T-Mobile MyTouch Slide. One reader over at TmoNews spotted a poster in the New York City subway, with David from TmoNews seeing the same thing during his morning commute.

Looking over the timeline for the Slide we saw a couple of weeks back, we should see all of T-Mobile’s major markets lit up with billboards, radio spots, TV ads, and more next week (should the NBA Finals make it to game 7, I’m sure they’ll enjoy a nice round of advertisements placed on ABC throughout the game being that they’re partners with the NBA).

Have you already gotten yourself a MyTouch Slide or are you waiting for T-Mobile and their retail partners to lure you into their stores when their “retail incentives starts” come June 16th?

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