Verizon Bringing VCast Video to Its Android Handsets on Monday


Philadelphia-area VZW rep Sheldon Jones tweeted away that Verizon will be bringing its VCast Video service to their Android smartphones starting Monday, June 7th. Verizon’s mobile video service has been surprisingly absent from their now dominate Droid lineup, even though it exists on practically every feature phone Verizon offers.

The viewing experience should be stepped-up on the beefier hardware of the likes of the Motorola Droid and HTC Droid Incredible, and its hard to imagine their bright and clear screens won’t do the videos justice. Incredible owners should even be able to plug their Droid into their TV and get access to VCast shows and clips on their television sets. Pretty good if you’re into mobile video; last time I checked VCast had a decent selection to choose from.

[via Android Authority]

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