The Wait For Froyo on the Motorola Droid Begins… Now; Sign Up to be Notified

The moment Google announced Froyo, many people already had an idea of who would not only be first in line to receive the goods, but second, as well. The Motorola Droid – with its millions of users thanks to Verizon’s extensive (and exhaustive) Droid Does campaign – was the obvious candidate as we saw how quickly they were updated to Android 2.1 (if we’re talking in relative terms, anyway).

It looks like Motorola has been hammering away at getting the update ready for a little while, now, and they’ve allowed users to sign up to a forum thread to receive an email notification when there is more to report regarding Android 2.2. Signing up for updates have long meant that something good awaits users around the corner, so Froyo might be on the menu for the coming weeks (if it’s of any relevance to you, the Nexus One still has yet to get the upgrade to Android 2.2 on a large scale).

Remember that you must sign up for a forum account at Motorola’s site in order to receive updates, so go over there and do that now if you haven’t already.

[Update]: One of our gracious moderators Trident has posted his own thread at our sister site that you can subscribe to if you’d like to be notified when Motorola has more information to provide regarding the upgrade to Android 2.2. If you don’t fancy making a new account over at Motorola’s place, then head over to AF and Trident will update the thread as soon as Motorola updates theirs.

[via Android & Me]

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