
Samsung Intercept (Moment II) and Motorola i1 Going to Sprint July 11th


According to an internal launch calendar grabbed by BGR, Sprint’s planning a pair of device launches on July 11th. The first device – the Motorola i1 – was expected to ship to Sprint stores on June 20th, but it’s actually only being directly shipped to customers who order the phone online (or by phone, if they decide to do that). This crosses out the belief that the phone would actually come out June 6th after we heard pricing of the phone.

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The phone will eventually find its way to the carrier’s store, though, once it enjoys an in-store launch on July 11th. Alongside the i1 comes a phone Sprint’s calling the Samsung Intercept with the model number being M910 (the same Samsung Moment-like phone we saw pass the FCC a while back). We still have yet to see an actual shot of the device, and we’re still waiting on details about the phone’s internals, but expect it to be the slightly younger cousin of the Moment complete with a slideout QWERTY keyboard.

[via BGR]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Older cousin to the Moment? Is it an upgraded Moment, or just a Moment like phone?

  2. “This magic Moment…”

    So why would I upgrade from my Moment to this? .5″-bigger screen? I’ve got 2.1 (and LauncherPro) running and everything is super-duper. They need to make the “Intercept” a must-have if they want my dough!

  3. good for those KB lovers out there… i really liked the design of the moment, i think the intercept will be a hit

  4. Um a few questions: wifi? multi touch? AMOLED? camera res? video camera?

  5. No 1ghz processor? No 512ram? No 1gb rom? No thanks

  6. Stupid question probably, so are they calling it the Moment II or the Intercept?

    Did the original Moment have another name too?

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