
SlingPlayer Mobile for Android Demoed on EVO 4G


SlingPlayer for Android is currently in private beta, but unless you are one of the lucky few who are already testing out this home media streaming app we haven’t seen too much of how it will perform on Android handsets.

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It looks like the Android version is also the quickest loading SlingPlayer app for a mobile device, launching and hooking into a live TV stream within 10 seconds. That’s pretty handy if you are a Slingbox owner who is just itching to get their favorite shows streamed to their Android phone. Hey, what would happen if you piggy-backed a Slingbox onto a Google TV box and streamed the result to your phone? Would it create a rift in the time-space continuum?

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  1. This looks amazing.

  2. hopefully sb tuners will work with it

  3. So they make an android client, but not a linux one?

    Hey SlingBox, if your device does not support my desktop what are the odds I will need to hook it up to my phone?

  4. Oh why oh why will this not be ready for the World Cup. :(

  5. This looks like a pretty cool application.

  6. I’m really glad I don’t need a sling device at this time. this is really tempting.

  7. Horrible demo. This idiot should’ve let SOMETHING play for longer than 3 seconds before messing with it.

  8. They really need to institute some caching in their app so you don’t get those horrible delays when trying to scroll through programming or DVR content. That stuff should be easy to have cached in the background to smooth out the interaction.

  9. you can already watch all your tv shows with a Nexus One hulu app…. why go through the trouble of getting sling setup?

  10. I can’t believe the apk hasn’t leaked for this yet. Want.

  11. Actually, it has leaked. Wont say who leaked it :P , but do a search, and you WILL find it.

  12. Oh yeah, make sure you think ..torrents

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