HDMI Dock for the HTC EVO 4G to be Sold Through Best Buy

For some of you that are looking to purchase the HTC EVO 4G in just a little over a week from now (time has gone by so fast since they announced the date and pricing), the Micro HDMI connector was a huge selling point (especially given the device’s ability to record and playback HD video).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


The only problem is that Micro HDMI cables are nearly impossible to find in brick and mortar stores right now (there are very few online stores offering them). What’s more is that the EVO 4G uses the latest HDMI standard  – 1.4 – for connectivity which could cause problems with a number of configurations currently on the market (with determining factors including the cable itself and the device you’re hooking the phone up to).

An EVO 4G product sheet shows that Best Buy will be selling a dock for the EVO 4G that will have a connector for HDMI 1.4 alongside a USB connector for charging. No details yet on the dock (I know some of you are hoping to be able to plug a standard-sized HDMI cable into the back of it) but at least we know what it looks like. Only time will tell (June 4th, to be specific) if the EVO 4G’s “ahead-of-the-pack” feature-set will prove that the phone is perhaps “too” ahead of its time.

[via Android & Me]

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