As we just found out, Nexus Ones are now slowly being graced with Android 2.2 Froyo in a roll out of the new OS. N1 owners are sure to get it pretty soon, but if pretty soon isn’t soon enough, you can now perform a manual update thanks to some sly sleuths at #android on Freenode (amongst others).
One of those “sly sleuths” was Michael Novak Jr. who tipped us off after tweeting it out:
It didn’t take long before he was up and running with it, telling us it “feels nice” and threw in a “fast” and “awesome”. That’s exactly the type of stuff we’re looking for.
Want to upgrade manually yourself?
- Download the Android 2.2 firmware for the Nexus One – here is the link to download
- Rename the file and copy it to your microSD card via USB. [Note: make sure the file is named and not]
- Power down your Nexus One
- Hold down the “Volume Down” button as you power the phone back on.
- A screen should appear showing your phone’s system searching for various files. Scroll down to “recovery” and press the “Power” button.
- When you see the triangle with an exclamation point symbol, press the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons at the same time.
- From the menu that appears, select “Apply”
- When the screen displays “Install from sdcard complete” select “reboot system now” and wait for the phone to power back up.
There you go! You now have Android 2.2 on your Nexus One, not to mention a faster device, automatic upgrading of apps, a “comments” tab on Android Market and a bunch more. Here are some more screenshots courtesy of Mike Novak:
ALSO this method is for NON ROOT users….
Cool, was just about to tip it as well.
Hmmm…think this would work for any Android phone or just the N1?
So… does Nexus One have FM Radio now?
So far this is only working for Tmo phones
And here we are, waiting for a 2.1 update for the Hero..
step six “home and power buttons” not working… now what?
I already updated my Sprint Hero… Just go here
I hope your not waiting for 2.1 for the hero over the air cause that won’t happen sprint roll out 2.1 for the hero last week but sprint is only wired and not over the air
Does this void the warranty?
This was released last week. If you’re going to complain at least have correct information.
Bunch of whiners, no wonder we got the Administration we have.
Will this work on Moto Droid?
step six should be “press up button and power at the same time” thanks
can any1 confirm that this update worked for their n1?
i’m always nervous about this stuff because what if it’s flawed or i do something wrong? then i might end up bricking my phone or something just as bad.
I had to hit volume up and power at the same time to get the apply sd-card: screen. hitting power and home did nothing
When I hit the link, I get an error. “This content is not supported by your phone.
I had to hold power + press vol up, to open the second menu, not power + home.
Updated and working great! Option 8 was unnecessary, it rebooted on it’s own. I noticed the speed of the boot animation was much faster too… got excited =)
doing it now…
i cant get past the triangle ???? any one else having the same problem
does this work on the rogers/telus/bell/at&t version
Correction: step 6 should state: press the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons at the same time
Can we run the new Market on 2.1?
I can confirm it works. But step 6 didn’t work for me I had to the power button and volume up. Caused a nice momentary panic though.
@jaysen thanks! that worked!
Great new features:
Messaging App has a little facelift.
Brightness on Power Control now has an automatic option.
Rework of some settings in the settings menu
Voice Input (You can swear now!)
Lock/unlock sounds
I’m sure there’s other features that aren’t mentioned anywhere as well
For anyone who does this theres a minor typo, on step 6 hit the power and volume up buttons not the power and home.
Thanks for the update!
It works. Don’t hesitate, but only get it from the google site. Downloading Flash now.
Normally I don’t do things like this as I don’t have a problem waiting but you know what…what the heck.
Not sure if this is me, but it’s not working on my stock N1 with at&t. Not rooted or anything, same as it was out of the box. I’m getting a Status 7, which I see a lot of reference to being rooted, but I’ve never rooted or unlocked the bootloader…
@2c, it’s very safe. I was running Cyanogenmod and unrooted, flashed to stock shipping rom for this, and it’s well worth it. I’m sure I’ll root again in the end, as Cyanogen always pleases us.
Wow. Android version in about phone now is 2.2. I got a stock nexus one on T-mo. Later folks. Need to tinker my N1. :)
hey a quick question,
did the apps stay with the settings ?
will this work for the at&t version phones
volume up and power
not “home” and power
Nice of you to spread the word about this. Lots of folks on Google Buzz are wondering what’s going on. Thanks!
anyone know if this will work with a motorola droid?
Why won’t the update work on any other Android phone? I would like to try it on my Sprint HTC HERO.
Didn’t work for me, but in my system info it says my build number is EPE54B??? Pretty sure that is the problem I am having with the update. WIll have to search around and see if I can find a good image…
can some1 provide screen shots on the facelift the messaging app received? was only aware of the music app’s face lift so this is good news
@PeDe7 its a light theme now….
Got the rom, looks good – however, is Flash part of it? Went to to play their mobile games and nothing shows up.
Curious if anyone has tried any Flash stuff?
I keep getting an error that says:
“Installing Update…
assert failed:(then a bunch of file name stuff referencing 2.1 and 2.2)
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
Is this because I’m on AT&T?
@n0mad download it from the android market.
didnt work for me… started to install then it said it was aborted… is this casue i have a nexus one for at&t instead of the tmobile version?
Nr6 press the “Power” and “Volume down” buttons at the same time
don’t have a usb cable around.. can i do this thru bluetooth?
@MItchel the update linked in this post is for T-Mobile Nexus Ones
@n0mad go to the market and download it. I am on my way as we speak. Just search for adobe.
Update – you’ll need to d/l Flash from the Market from Adobe – but it works great.
I’m updating now!! Will get back with details =)
Well for sure it doesn’t work on the Sprint Hero, guessing because of the signature and that it has an HTC kernel
Figured it out – thanks ape – now playing Flash games on my N1. Hey Apple, bite it …
what about Droid users?
Stop 6 should be power button + volume up (might take a couple tries). Pressing power + home does nothing.
I too had to press “Power + Volume Up” for the second menu. Thanks!
Power + Home doesn’t do anything for me.
Won’t work on AT&T Nexus One yet. Tried it and got error 7. Redownloaded it (hoping the file was corrupt) and got the same error again. Just waiting for the OTA now… :-(
when i get to step 6 the power and home button isnt doing anything for me. =(
will this ever come to droid?
Seems to only work on build ERE27…if your EPE54B (like me) it doesn’t work.
No good for AT&T :-(
@Mitchel looks like we’re in the same boat…must be just for tmob users.
doesnt work with the att nexus …. : (
okay volume up worked but now it says something about the signature not being verified or something anyone else getting that?
Power + Volume Up finally worked (though it doesn’t seem to work always or instantly).
in this Step “When you see the triangle with an exclamation point symbol, press the “Power” and “Home” buttons at the same time.” Its Power and the Up volume for my phone in the N1 not sure y its like this incase other stuck thinking home is not working
Sorry for my poor Grammer
I’m getting “can’t open /cache/recovery/command” from the install screen, but it’s installing nonetheless.
@Alex – Thanks just got done with the process and liking what I’m seeing so far. I have noticed a problem with 3 aka cubed music player which might not be compatible with 2.2 at the time.
i tried doing it but when it tries to open the update zip file it says it cant find it can someone help plz
does it not work on unlocked nexus ones does anyone know?
I get past the triangle but then it tells me E:Can’t open /cache/recovery/command and then when I try to apply it tells me that the installation was aborted. Any ideas?
I am getting a Sorry! Process system is not responding message upon start up. It doesn’t seem to be effecting anything though.
in step 6 i had to do power plus volume up
Working fine for me, also had to press volume up and the power button, also option 8 was unnecessary, it rebooted on it’s own.
Seems to be loads quicker… off to play now!
Can anybody tell me that if i decide to update via this method, will my N1 count as ‘rooted’, or will it still count as stock?
No go with the fro, yo. ;)
e:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
I have an unlocked Nexus. Looks like this is only t-mobile?
When I go into recovery I get this message:
E:Can’t open /cache/recovery/command
After I select
I get this:
— Install from sdcard…
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
Installing updated…
assert failed: file_getprop(“/system/build.prop”
, “”) == “google/passion/pas
se-keys” || file_getprop(“/system/
op”,”) == “google/passion/
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
Any ideas?
@34 It won’t be counted as rooted. This process is way too simple to root the phone. All you’re doing is manually downloading the update and installing a new version of the OS.
I just did it, totally works.
Works for the N1 T-mob service combo. Been waiting for this since Thursday!
I have the T-Mobile N1. Just updated using this method. Had no problems. This really is faster. I have the feeling that this is what Android is supposed to feel like. One small thing I noticed in the browser, is the the “.com” button that used to be next to the spacebar when entering an address is no longer there. Otherwise, this update is everything it was promised to be. Thank you Phandroid for the post and Google.
Ok everything was going great and then it got stuck on the load screen with the X. wont move from there….any ideas?
@Jaysen your tip worked for me also.
totally works on stock N1 on Tmo-USA….I can confirm you do need to do + at step 6. was nervous trying this out, but am very happy with the results.
i had the sa,e problem… i think its only for the tmobile version
Noticing a lot of compatiblity issues with apps and my beloved HTC keyboard. Kind of second guessing this one at the moment.
does this work on the ATT version??!!
whoops, mean to write (power button) + (volume up button) at step six. it then rebooted on its own for me. thanks phandroid!!!! so happy don’t have to wait another few weeks!!!
Has anyone with the AT&T version of the Nexus One gotten this to work? My install aborts every time? Is there a different update package for AT&T phones?
Note that if you’re using Windows and don’t have “show file extensions” turned on in the file explorer you won’t see a .zip. Just rename it to “update” (no quotes, of course) because it’s already a zipped file.
I have the T-Mo version but it’s aborting as well. Grrr
SWEEEET google said they had some secrets but an 8megapixel camera?!?!?!?!
Worked for me, on an unlocked Nexus One.
happy to confirm that it indeed works for unlocked nexus one
NNNNNOOOOOO!!!! i was running the helix launcher2 app, and now after the update it only tries to force close helix!! i cant do anything else!!
Step 4 didn’t work for me. Instead I had to press and hold down the trackball and the power button at the same time.
I am stuck at triangle screeen. Can anyone help?
I tried this on my HTC Incredible and now I have 2.2 on my INCREDIBLE !!! And its working GREAT !!!!! WHOOO HOOOO !!
@Bobert What do you mean an 8meagpixel camera? Did they change the camera resolution with the update or something?
Got the same error as Scott:
e:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
Unlocked AT&T Nexus One
Same as #35. I have the unlocked AT&T version with a European SIM currently. Sad. :(
So does this work for the verizon droid? Or does anyone know were I can get 2.2?
This method WILL WORK for rooted phones but you must be running on the default/stock Nexus One ROM.
it works perfect, but I dont see flash working
I did recovery and now it’s at the screen with the android and the exclamation mark and hasnt done anything even though i pressed power + volume up.
@35 Ditto, I get the same error with an unlocked N1 on AT&T. Tried downloading the update multiple times to see if that was the problem, still no go.
has anyone checked if flash works on their phone because it doesn’t seem to be working on mine…
people after you put the updatezip on your sd open on properties on you end it is update.zipzip os rename to end you got to…..
I found the problem, wasnt installed, you have to install it
you can fid the installer in the market
Worked for me. N1 on Tmo, not rooted. I had the same situation with step 6 — step 6 should be: Pressing volume up and Power at the same time. Step 8 was unnecessary.
@ricknexus that happened to me. take out the battery, put it in again and turn on the phone. should work then
so can any one help? Does this work for droid?
@Scott Janousek – I’m having the same exact problem. Unlocked Nexus w/ AT&T
Ok this worked perfectly, just got froyo baby! =)
BTW Nexus one Unlocked TMOBILE
What should i do it’s stuck at android and exclamation?
@tavo, thanks
if i do the manual update will i still get the ota from google? if so, what happens….does the ota override the mauual update?
Didn’t work with an unlocked Nexus. I’ve got the unlocked one which works on AT&T’s 3G network and i gives me and installation aborted message.
@PeDe7 it doesn’t look like the music player got a facelift. looks exactly the same.
works great, though arranging icons on the home screen works not as it should. try moving icone from one place to another. it ends up in bin… anyone has this same experiance?
@joel flash works for me. stock tmo n1.
I am getting the ” E:Failed to read footer from sd card/” Insatllation failed.
Can any one help me out?
@droid you’ll have to wait for motorola to update the phone.
@metric152 yea it works on mine too. i had to go to the market n download it. did u have to do that too??
phillip, check to make sure that you renamed it to if your on a pc go to properties make sure its not, if that doesnt work just rename it to update and try it that way.
I’m gettin’ a PIG, so I can stick an APPLE in its mouth! Looks like Adobe is getting slammed, ’cause I’m waiting for the d/l… It took a while for the processes to start working, so be patient. I removed Lookout Mobile Security, since I thought it might have messed-up my install, but after a re-boot, all seems to be working (and FAST!)
Nice It works on other nework too I am on vodaphone uk
thanks :(
can confirm FLASH is not currently allowed on HULU. :(
yes it does works perfectly……….thanks
speaker is significantly louder!!!
I did it I now have froyo 2.2 and it rocks downloadind flash now
I cant seem to install it. This is the error i get after i apply
assert failed: file_getprop(“/system/build.prop”, “”) == “google/passion/passion/mahimahi:2.1-update1/ERE27/24178:user/release-keys”
error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
My N1 isnt rooted and i renamed the zip file to
Any suggestions / tips on what im doing wrong???
I am getting E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted
Is any having this issue as well? I have a T-Mo N1
@Scott35 the same for me, unlocked nexus too, lets hope it will get froyo as soon as possible! ;)
Working on my unlocked nexus one (but uses T mobile sim). It’s great and super fast but some apps do not work and will need updating, I lost gtasks and a few other things as a result. Also, I don’t know if it needs time to warm up to certain processes but I’ve noted that scrolling through my app drawer is actually slower and choppier now, shame cos everything else has been faster.
124. Allowed? You mean hulu hasn’t started supporting 10.1 on mobile. It’s their fault. They must be spending too much time debugging their HTML5 version. :)
Everything this guys said, plus is fast!!
Twitter app is now included, facebook on the browser is a blessing, and more new things to discover. The N1 is back on the top once again.
hulu will not support flash for mobile it has already been comfirmed.
Has someone got problem with the market?
I got “an error occured please try again later”
Is there a solution?
I am with CBW and had to buy N1 by selecting 3G TMO on Google Store. Think it will work for me. And if this is for non rooted users how do you get around not having SD Card partitioned for apply apps to SD Card.
@JDoe YA and 780p video recording!!!
Its friggin sweeeeet!
I plugged in a HDMI and it works right from my phone to my TV!
128. Do you have a credible link or is this just rumorsphere?
Can anyone confirm that hotspot and tethering is allowed?
I dunno understand a reboot solved the issue!
I just successfully performed the update on my unlocked, not rooted N1 (in Sweden)!! But one thing that I have not seen mentioned in this article is that since I downloaded the file from my phone it was stored under /download and when I performed step 7. the phone could not locate the file. So I had to reboot and move the .zip file. So just a heads-up; the file must be located in the root of the sd card!
exchange support is SWEEEET! Was able to connect my work email without a prob and contact/calendar sync worked like a charm!!!!
Handcent not working right but I am sure they will update it ASAP.
HOLY SHIT this is like having a brand new phone!!!!
If you get the Installation aborted error on the N1, try moving the file to the base SDCard directory…not in the download directory.
AT&T phones will not work. This update is only for T-Mobile Non Rooted Nexus One’s. Unlocked phones for other carriers will not work either. I just did and it took about 10 mins total. For Flash to work, you need to search for Flash Beta in the Android Marketplace, then download and install.
I have it working and using the wifi hotspot now.
It’s not working for me in the Uk with an unlocked Nexus on Vodafone. I’m getting a message saying it can’t read the footer in the file. Bum, oh well.
Yeah everything except for Flash seems to be working great. Wonder whats up.
I updated the files to my dictory double checked it wasnt zipzip but when im at the final step and installing it it says theres an error with E: it cant find accses any suggestions?
Can anyone who got this working please confirm which version they have T-Mobile I presume? Because it doesn’t look like it’s working on AT&T versions…
works great. i hoped ot will trackball work on wake up . it doesn’t .
Hulu does not support flash on mobile devices! They aren’t allowed too I think from what I read.
Flashed and working fine, except that now if I try to enable wifi it hangs on scanning for a few moments and then turns off. Never even get scan results. Sometimes a message saying “Unable to scan for networks” appears, or the application settings process force closes. Worked without ever having a flaw before. Will continue investigating.
@geoff have you download adobe flash from the market?
hey you can adjust the voice recognizer and block or not block offensive words
has anyone tried to move apps to SD card.? doesn’t seem to be working on my phone
For those getting this error…
E:Can’t open /cache/recovery/commandAfter I select
I get this:– Install from sdcard…
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
Installing updated…
assert failed: file_getprop(”/system/build.prop”
, “”) == “google/passion/pas
se-keys” || file_getprop(”/system/
op”,”) == “google/passion/
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
!!!!!! make sure your battery its at least 50% charged!!!!!
I try factory reset and a lot of thing but my battery was on 23% lol……!!!
just charge it! took me 30 min to discovered…
2.2 will not highlight the move to SD card fn for apps…Is this because apps arent yet updated for such fn? its there I just cant click on it..
also thanks again for putting this together…the anticipation is finally over.
Swype users will need to uninstall and reinstall.
YouTube video about how to do a manual install.
@joel I looked and from what I read the developers have to make their apps compatible with apps2SD and none of mine I looked at were able to go to my SD
You say ” I tried this on my HTC Incredible and now I have 2.2 on my INCREDIBLE !!! And its working GREAT !!!!! WHOOO HOOOO !! ”
Where is the proof of this? As no one has got anything like this working as of yet? You can’t just say something like that without something to back it up… please post some evidence.
Does anyone know if it frees up more RAM?
@garet yeah none of mine were either but thanks for letting me know. i guess we’ll just have to wait till they update all the apps.
IT WORKS ! with Flash ! and this is soooooooo fast
suck it iPhone
@Scott: i went to hulu and tried to load a video…it said it is not currently supporting my platform, so i’m assuming hulu is blocking the OS.
when you select the search widget it now gives you the choice of what type of search widget.
Pretty cool!
working fine for me, except that my trackball doesn’t light up with notifications any more … anybody else having this issue?
that said, everything runs a lot faster and a lot more smoothly. i like it … i just want my blinking trackball back.
Ok, everything’s working. but now i need a version of flashblock for android.
I generally hate flash ads in my browser.
Updated perfectly fine on stock N1 – running off Optus in Australia.
Just tried it on the motorola droid but didn’t work. if anyone gets it to work let everyone know!
I just did on a Nexus One I bought directly from the web store and it works just fine.
Great guide, thanks.
so far so good, just follow the directions and you will be fine. and im good for tmobile. worked perfect
my trackball doesn’t light up either
Did anyone notice that screen rotation works whichever way you turn it? nice
Hello i have the htc desire,Could any1 help me to find a download link for the desire… or update me when will it be launched.. would be a great help :)
My trackball lights up when I call the phone.
I am another Nexus One user (AT&T version) who can’t upgrade to the 2.2 version. I get that error others seem to be getting, my Nexus One is not nor has ever been rooted. I really hope that this isn’t related to AT&T wanting tethering removed so that you can purchase “their” tethering add-on for like another $60. I know that AT&T butchered the backflip’s Android OS. I am worried that AT&T will stop Google from releasing a full 2.2 stock OS to Nexus One, or even block the IMEIs altogether.
2.2 working well on a TMO N1.
Thanks to whomever made this possible.
35mflops ftw!
worked for me, TMO nexus one
@Tog and anyone else with status 7 error
I had the exact same issue. If you are still with the stock OS version you need to install the update 1 before you can install the froyo update.
Works great. I haven’t noticed any increase in speed with the Browser. Plus, I lost a few apps, both free and paid.
Step 6: Power+VolumeUp did not seem to work, I hit it several times, held it. Then I tried pressing the track ball as well, this seemed to do it.
It seemed to do its thing after that till it showed an android hopping out of a box. Never was told to reboot, but it rebooted itself (a couple of times) then I got the fireworks for a much too long but it finished just before I freaked. Seems to be working.
So this dosnt work for root users??
Hi. I have an unlocked nexus one on AT&T (not 3g version). Will this work for me, and does it delete all my apps?
i did this update on my tmobile nexus one, i orginally got tht message ppl were gettin about it not workin and what i did was when i renamed the zip file instead of puttin, i just put update and then it worked for me, now im rockin froyo
This works.
ty so v v much !
And if I can (stupidly!) do it after 7 beers on a Sat nite anyone can !
Now for beer #8 and do that A2SD thing we’ve all been waiting for !
N1, UK, T-Mobile, 23/5/10 00.44 GMT
@tristan I got 40 :)
I see no FM Radio after updating to 2.2 … darn :(
I don’t think browser speed is changed necessarily but overall system and application operations might be snappier. The camera app has little icons on the right side now that bring up pop up menu items vs the drawer on the left. I didn’t care for the drawer.
@mark @olypdd: my trackball lights up when i call the phone and then for the first notification i receive after that phone call. after that it doesn’t light up till the next phone call.
WOW this worked great until I rebooted my phone now it is all fucked up. Slow slow slow and voice to text works like shit. Browser is slow as fuck. Basically I did nothing but download this update and like I said worked GREAT at first but then phone was fucked up.
WOW this worked great until I rebooted my phone now it is all fucked up. Slow slow slow and voice to text works like shit. Browser is slow as fuck. Basically I did nothing but download this update and like I said worked GREAT at first but then phone was fucked up.
installation aborted because E signature wasnt verified im guessing… its an N1 on T-mo.
any suggestions.
WOW crazy had to factory reset This is NRFPT.
Use at your own risk.
weird. works fine for me. but the only thing is that the apps screen kinda lags as it did for me in 2.1
Bobert— what was wrong after reboot? I rebooted with no issues that I can tell.
Work GREAT for me. Using an N1 on TMO
download/install Adobe flash player beta from market
@SteveYou say ” I tried this on my HTC Incredible and now I have 2.2 on my INCREDIBLE !!! And its working GREAT !!!!! WHOOO HOOOO !! ”Where is the proof of this? As no one has got anything like this working as of yet? You can’t just say something like that without something to back it up… please post some evidence.Thanks
when u rename file….rename it update not
Was a little worried about trying this out since I’ve never done anything like this…..but for a taste of 2.2 and Flash, I had to. Worked PERFECTLY. I have an unlocked N1 and it was extremely simple to install. Only took one try. Just downloaded flash and finished watching a flash video on the NY Times website…can Iphone do that?! Phone is also running a lot faster. Happy I tried this out. Will be glued to my phone for weeks to come. New tweaked email and messaging interface. Calendar was revamped and is bigger and easier to use. Camera and camcorder upgrade–no more opening of tab to adjust flash as new options are on the camera screen.Improved gallery, Car app, location and security settings (can now use a pin/password) and more.
It worked!!! I have FroYo thanks Phandroid!
Just tried a bunch of variations on my G1 and none of them worked – I even have an expanded memory and followed all the steps….Can someone else try??
It does work on unlocked non T-mobile phones. I have an unlocked on AT&T and the update worked flawlessly.
@olypdd, it could be that they’re lying and just trying to deter people from downloading the update. on the other hand though, it could be that he is telling the truth. this is part of the reason that i haven’t updated yet (because of the potential errors.)
well, if there are errors, I would imagine Google would send out a patch, or update to address any. I haven’t had any of the problems mentioned here or elsewhere. I have rebooted the phone, and everything is ok. Wondering about FM radio….see nothing about it.
phoenix, there are going to be some errors even with the official OTA update. These are some of the very first users outside of the control group to run the update. Frankly I’m pretty impressed that most are not having any major issues. Looks promising to me.
i keep getting
E:Can’t open/cache/recovery/command
–Install from sdcard…
Finding update package…
opening update package…
verifying update package…
E:failed to read footer from/sdcard/
E:signature verification failed
installation aborted
so you’d say it’s ok to do and would recommend i do it? (if i don’t want to wait, that is)
Installing. Make sure that after you put the zip file in your SDcard, go to it (with Astro file manager or something) and rename it to “”. I renamed it in my PC but for some reason the last .zip was still there, so in my N1 is was called “”.
So if you get an error when installing (saying “no such file exist”) that is the problem.
If you have the last version of Android (build #ER27 I think) and are on TMobile….(not a att N1), it should go off without a hitch.
Praise to mighty Froyo!
Now working for me. How can I get it to work on a stock nexus one on AT&T (not 3g version). I tried and got error 7 every time (installation aborted)
text msg system looks different also
Phoenix, I’m not concerned about the update process as much as I am about critical third party applications that haven’t yet tested with froyo. Personally, I am going to wait until I hear that at least one person has tested touchdown for exchange. If that app didnt work I would be screwed.
Can someone update the page to say you have to use the trackball to select “apply”. I know it tells you on screen but I’m thinking anyone who is scared to brick the device is probably going step by step with what’s in the instructions here.
workig great on my tmo n1. It didn’t delete any of my data. And ya the speed….he..he….great
does anyone experience any lag on the apps screen?
worked perfectly.
@2C and @toots: Which apps did you have problems with? Also, did anybody try running this with Slidescreen? I want the update, but I want a working Slidescreen even more. Also think I’ll miss my htc keyboard….
Works great for unlocked N1 on Singtel in Singapore. However, phone locked up after first installing, had to remove battery to reboot, but since has worked like a charm. USB tethering actually seems faster than wifi on my win7 laptop…
btw, camera is MUCH better and with more control options, as is the photo gallery which no longer pixelates when zooming. Browser much faster, flash works well, overall much more snappy interface…had problems with a couple of apps, but nothing important. Overall, big thumbs up
UK unlocked N1 rockin’ Froyooooooooooo!
Followed instructions and it worked absolutely fine, kept existing apps, no need for backup (although I did anyway being of a nervous disposition!) Taskiller app telling me I have 270+ memory free ( used to be on average 60-70) Novak rocks, Phandroid rocks, Google rocks! This is why I imported my N1, great to see early adopters rewarded by Google! Get it done!
Thank you Joel! I renamed the file but the phone would not recognize it and would not install it. I renamed it “update” with no zip or anything, just update and rebooted it as directed and it worked. Try this if you are having opening up the zip file.
If you use a PC with Windows and name it update.ZIP, it will add another ZIP to the file name. So with windows, apparently you can only name it update (no zip on the end.
If you use a MAC, you can name it and it’s going to maintain the file name you gave it.
I hate windows. I love Mac.
got it running fine on my n1 just missing a few features. will we still get an update when they roll this out to everyone else?
Worked fine on stock TMO N1. App drawer seems sluggish and doesn’t seem that much faster. Sucks that apps have to be rewritten to enable apps2SD…
Works on my Nexus T-Mobile phone. I find it much faster, and the ram seems to almost doubled. Only thing I have found to not work is the home screen chooser. Right now it is stuck on Panda Home, which I can live with. The major question is how long before the developers start to give us the option to move apps to the sd card? Seems like a lot of the glitches in 2.1 are now gone, so far so good and I’m loving this new version.
@phoenix.. Yeah steve jobs is paying me a grip of cash to prevent people from downloading this update. I m going to be you rich. Fuckin douchebag
i installed it. music player doesn’t have a new skin, unfortunately, and chomp sms seems to forceclose every time i try to open it
For the love of God, please RTFA, stop asking if this method will work on AT&T. THIS IS FOR T-MO ONLY, got that?
You can also use a file manager to find the file on your phone and drop the extra zip. Fuck steve jobs is going to be so pissed that i told you that
Someone please help…I been trying to do this the whole day
–install fron sdcard…
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
E: failed to read footer from /sdcard/
(Is a directory)
E: signature verification failed
Installation aborted
thou dost protest too much
You should check your ROM version first. ERE54b can’t update with this file because this one is only for ERE27 (see the original file name). Radio frequencies and some other changes are the main differences.
For those getting this error…
E:Can’t open /cache/recovery/commandAfter I select
I get this:– Install from sdcard…
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
Installing updated…
assert failed: file_getprop(”/system/build.prop”
, “”) == “google/passion/pas
se-keys” || file_getprop(”/system/
op”,”) == “google/passion/
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
ok..rename the file, update , not
it should work when you select
You should see the bags of money steve jobs drops off at my doorstep
Loving this phone with 2.2 btw. Got flash, screen is more responsive and the phone is so much faster it can keep up with my text entry. predictive text doesn’t fail as much. My Nexus one feels like 5 times as fast as advertised. It feels like it’s a Nexus two.
updated to 2.2, no errors, but now stuck at the boot animation with the swirling X…what do i do? Help! booted up already…had to wait quite a while!
yeah, I love Android, and though I love Mac…no way have I ever wanted an iPhoney
Would anyone please tell me whether this works for the Motorola Droid?
jayden, if you would read the comments, it’s been stated many times that this is only for the tmobile nexus one.
Web browsing over wifi is lightning fast. There’s no 3G where I live to test that though.
For those who can’t figure out how to rename a file to Windows by default hides file extensions to keep noobs from messing around with them and breaking things. So by default you’d just rename the file update and the .zip extension will already be there. If you’re a bit more savvy and you’ve gone to Tools > Folder Options > View tab and unchecked “hide file extensions for known file types”, you can see the .zip when renaming and change it.
User error, not Windows error to the dude who said he hated Windows. Another reason I recommend Macs to certain people and PCs to others. Macs are for idiots and PCs are for idiots who don’t mind learning. :)
Wouldn’t update mine since its an att 3g. But my buddies T-Mobile version updates and Bluetooth handsfree works in my car now with his phone. Didn’t wait for the phone book to load but I could receive calls.
Rooted N1 on TMO
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
Installing update…
Verifying current system…
assert failed: apply_patch_check (“MTD:boot:2101248:e7f20e513e5bd5c30e20670e992092296ee731a0:2392064:a233aa76b83a5efcc03f66c51a418cb15c4d9ab2”)
E:Error in /sdcard/
(status 7)
Installation aborted
any thoughts?
I have AT&T sim card in a tmobile nexus 1, it didn’t work with all the rom manager mods and themes so I flashed it back to original tmobile stock and updated to 2.2…..
Now it cycles through the boot animation and I can’t access the revovery…
Any suggestions on going through a pc to flash it back to another rom?
Should I apply this update or just wait for it officially? My N1 is the t mobile version so yes it should work as people said in the comments. But is there a chance that I can screw up my N1?
I also use Windows and have for years, and I did uncheck file extensions on previous occasions. I never said it was a Windows error, and didn’t feel the need to go into all that background info since I consider it superfluous to the eager updater.
I don’t recommend either platform to anyone. I just figure that people should use what works for them.
Assuming the position of higher intellectual standing must be an all time high. I don’t get high.
dayum! i keep getting aborted.. need me froyo. tmobile. help?
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who posted links! Worked perfectly on my stock N1 (unlocked) that I use on TMO. I wanted to wait like I did for the last OTA, but I couldn’t!!! Glad I didn’t wait, it was SO easy. :) Camera is improved 4 access & much sharper. Very fast. Like the comments & auto updates 4 the Market. Like the Twitter add. Don’t look for any advances in the music player, perhaps next time.
Don’t forget download the Flash beta it’s fantastic!
Unfortunately, Hulu is not ready for us, but we are with Flash when they are.
i thought the music player was supposed to be reskinned :( i’m really disappointed by this.
My comment got deleted for some reason anyways should I or should I not install this update. I have t mobile version of N1 but is there a chance it’ll screw up my N1?
If you need help, just ask me and I’ll help you with almost any problem your experiencing!
BTW! Froyo is F’n awesome FTW!!! Lols!
does flash work for you guys? i know hulu doesn’t work, but when i went to the adobe recommended sites like and selected a game there, it still gives me that little blue cube
I confirm after reboots many application crash at run like SMSchomps or don’t work anymore like TaskManager or even android market when trying to update software.
yet, my average available memory jump to 250mb from 80mb before.
And we can feel it’s faster, like for live wallpapers
I am having a problem with MLB At Bat 2010. When I applied the FroYo update, I did a factory reset to my phone just because I was seeing some glitches in Calendar and wanted to start from scratch with the new OS.
All of my free apps restored just fine but MLB At Bat 2010 (my only paid app) did not restore. I went to the Android Market and I’m not seeing it there either. I even tried using the barcode link to it from a review and the link isn’t working to the market.
Anyone else seen this?
Handcent crashes too. No big…they’ll update apps as needed. At least the standard app works.
RT @kleptomac: This ones for non-rooted devices. Enjoy :-) …
yeah, but the standard one sucks, lol.
Okay everyone listen up to get flash you have to go to the android market and download it from there!!!
It works for me at singapore
just upgraded to froyo on my non-rooted n1 (tmo). everything works great! i did uninstall launcherpro beta before upgrading. also, my swype works fine and dandy, as well as my skyfire. i’ve also seen my memory availability increase. it’s tripled to be more precise!
Handcent works, it receives, it sends, it just force closes after sending.
guess everyone who has an ATT nexus is having a problem…me too :(
chomp receives, but if you try to open it, it forcecloses instantly.
david, yeah, this update is only for the tmobile nexus one
I did the manual update for 2.1, but I’m curious . . . how do we know that this is the released version of 2.2?
And, if we perform this update, is there a way to undo it?
For everybody having troubles running this update, listen up: THIS UPDATE ONLY WORKS FOR T-MOBILE NEXUS ONE running a STOCK IMAGE. Specifically, it ONLY works for ERE27. If you have anything else, it simply will not work.
If you want this now, you MUST have a T-MOBILE Nexus One, and be running the stock ERE27.
Don’t right click the download link
go to settings> about your phone> and check the version
It works perfectly for me. Used as the guide, started with step 16.
This is not for the ATT. Only Goggles is giving me trouble but it gave me trouble as well on 2.1
I think somehow this version hacked my account, I see emails to all my contacts, with the subject of “hi”. Anyone else see this? How do I reset my os to the previous version?
the nexus one is already on 2.2 and my cliq is still on 1.5, wat is motorola doing
I have Nexus One with the ERE27 so this was perfect for me
becuase the nexus one is google’s branded phone and google owns android so obviously they’re going to release it to their nexus one first.
There are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many new features and awesome changes overall! Way more than listed above!!!!!
The main reason I prefer raw, unskinned Android
@olypdd well put! I totally agree and always say that! So up yours Incredible idiots and all others lol!!!
The update works great on my T-mobile N1… so happy to have 2.2. Though I do still worry, what happens now when Google decides to send to roll out to my phone?
@Raza: That doesn’t mean this is the official released build of 2.2.
At least, I’ve expanded the tiny URL to see that it’s on a Google server.
I updated..I have a T-Mobile n1….@ 1st everything was smooth…my Ram did a 280mb jump…I d/l adobe flash and that worked well but after a second reboot it all went crazy…most of my apps are extremely unstable…and I need help putting my phone on silent..ill rock the volume button down all the way but it only goes to vibrate…The hotspot work…as well as the automatic updates….and the save to SD card feature….is there a way to return to 2.1?
Is anyone else having a problem with some of their apps (paid and free) not showing up in the market….and for future reference in case this continues is there a way to revert back to 2.1 so i am able to get the official update?
Hmm, flash runs rather choppy, and chops my battery life in half. Phone gets warm too. :(
i’d actually like to know if there’s a way to go back to 2.1 as well, with a method that doesn’t involve rooting, since that’s an obvious answer.
Yes I agree…very choppy and battery life has not improved..its actually seems to drain alot faster..I would love to go back and just wait.
ha, i guess everyone got ahead of themselves. Im pretty sure there was a reason it only came out to select phones at first. patience is key guys
Exactly how would some N1s running 2.1 on T-Mobile be different from others?
@todd I get the same hang for wifi now. it worked fine on 2.1 but now it keeps trying to obtain address. let me know if you find a fix.
Worked flowless on my N1. Now able to watch free porn due to working flash :D
I also want to revert back to android 2.1 does anyone know how? I’m pretty sure google will release an official update soon anyways!
Stock N1 At&t. I have ERE27. Is there any way to do it on my phone?
Works fine on my unlocked Nexus One in UK.
Anyone try dialing this *#*#4636#*#* magic number to force the phone to check for updates. my EPE54B doesnt update that way yet though.
For anyone who kept getting the “E: Signature verification failure” error and had the file named correctly (not I finally figured out what was going wrong on my phone at least. While in astromanager I noticed I had a file sdcard under the sdcard. So I was saving the file under sdcard/sdcard. Moved the file in astro and it worked perfectly.
Hope this helps.
How the hell would you know that flash cuts your battery in half? Moron.
Flash works great! Played on my phone all freaking day and my battery still hasn’t died.
Apps tray is perfectly fine! (Seems the exact same as 2.1)
Have a hard time beliving some of the naysayers in here.
For those who download via safari, it will automatically unzip the file on a mac. I downloaded it with firefox and it downloaded it as a complete .zip file.
Probably paid by Apple to put a bad word in about Froyo
So flash seems top notch, just like the demos? Not serious choppiness or battery hogging?
If so thats rather reassuring, the last 20 or so comments have been “can i revert, 2.2 is terrible” kinda things
anyone getting “signature verification failed?”
Can get pass this.
Works perfectly – woo, and furthermore hoo
Nexus One with vanilla Android ftw – bring on the Gingerbread.
…speaking of Gingerbread, what comes after that? I and J will probably be ice-cream and jello, but what about H? Halva perhaps?
I’m confused…I thought that (along with the numerous feature enhancements) Android 2.2 Froyo was to include new music player skin and FM receiver app???
Only two other posters mentioned this, anyone else able to confirm that they don’t either or why this doesn’t contain these?
@Gizzit I doubt J will be Jello…as thats a brand name.
The live wallpaper, like water and smoke, seem to behave more dynamically. I’ve rebooted, soft reset, and have no problems.
I’m also getting Signature Verification Failed. I have a T-Mobile, N1,
I noticed that the labels in Gmail are now the colors I selected on my computer when setting up labels. Before, with 2.1 and previous versions, they were all blue.
Make sure your computer is not unzipping the file when you download it. A lot of browsers will automatically open it.
I used Opera. When downloading set open with to, other application or other, or whatever the option is.
I was having the same problem before.
hi,can i flash to legend
Works great on N1, T-Mobile. Just noticed dragging up on keyboard shows numbers. not sure if that is new.
My Tmobile Nexus One was running ERE27. I was able to update. On step 8 had to press track ball to select. I did not recognize the pic of the android with the arrow coming out of the box after as an indication to reboot now, but I powered off and on. When it came up, each application seemed to take a long time to open initially. Some appeared to hang at first such as the phone app. It was like they had to adjust themselves to the update. Once adjusted it has worked flawlessly and runs flash. Thanks guys :)
This didn’t work on my Google Nexus One (I received it from Google, not from a carrier).
Also saw the dreaded Error 7.
Did anyone manage to make this work with a Google N1?
it took all night, but i got it working on my AT&T nexus one. had to unlock, install superboot, then the amon RA recovery, then the modified froyo thing by Phil. works great so far :)
make that track ball on step 6
I am happy with this update, there are no apps that I have found that do not work. I like the new auto navigation screen. Wish they had improved the music player.
Cool little things I like: now have signature option in email, colored labels in gmail, live wallpaper of maps, the camera and video settings change make a huge improvement, I like the quick phone and web buttons as it frees up two icon spaces on that valuable home screen.
I love in the navigation screen the better break out of the destinations and the ability to star a map on google maps using a PC and have it show up as a “starred” Item on the Nexus One, very smart cloud based integration.
Wish List: improved music player, ability to auto bcc in email, more live wallpapers, more home screens, improved task list (on the web cause it is about the cloud).
Wish they would release 2 2 for att epe54b.
@AndreasSchepers …
Which application will find out the flops?
Thanks folks.. Got 2.2 now in my NexusOne
Helix Launcher (and probably any other alternate home), if set to default will cause an infinite ‘Force Close’ loop. Make sure you set the stock ‘Launcher’ as default before updating. If you get the ‘Force Close’ loop, this can be fixed by reformating via your boot menu. Hope this is helpful.
Updated successfully from T-Mobile Stock Nexus One.
I was a little skeptical at first, however worked like a charm with no issues at all!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE 2.2…
I don’t know if it is just me but the I was having some issues with the soft buttons when the phone was laying down on a surface. I just updated to 2.2 (thx for the simple instructions btw) and now they work flawless =)
It works fine, thank you.
The first boot took longer, but that’s all. Everything works perfectly. Again, thank you!!
tried on G-1 and got all the way to the update screen but after that there is a failure that say there is “no such file or directory”
Can someone try/help please??
It’s cofirmed.It works on unlocked Nexus.
Try to use internet explorer or opera.
At the begining i was using firefox and i was unable to update. “E: signature verification failed”.
But it works with internet explorer.
Best reards,
Works perfect – Froyooooooooo
I tried on my Telus N1 and update does not work.
In regards to those bombing out with error 7 (above). Confirmation : Last night I got the 2.2 bits running on my unlocked (non t-mobile) Google Nexus One. It took a bit of extra work, but I was able to do it.
the apps to sd works once memory gets low…..
oh and now the video camera has a light…as for the market the fist run will be a little slow but after a while it gets very fast….This is the reason why i didnt root, i knew it wiuld come…yeaaaa 2.2
just name it “update” the zip is added for you, and dont worry about the verifacation message, it still does its thing and works fine
@Joe and others:
The zip linked to is specifically for Nexus Ones with build ERE27 – If your phone isn’t a Nexus One, the update will not work. If you aren’t prepared to wait for an OTA update, or if your device has been announced as not on the upgrade path (G1), your best bet would be the xda-developer forums.
I believe Cyanogen has said he will be producing a 2.2 ROM for the G1.
it also opens alot of memory, not sure how much but using advance task maneger i now have 207 free with 20 apps running when it use to be 27 free….wow
Here’s the update to the Froyo 2.2 HTC keyboard!
Everything else work for me on my Nexus One except Apps cannot be move to SD card vs Apps on SD card cannot be move to phone as well…??!!! Pls help.
Voice input isn’t working but other than that the keyboard is working fine.
Dolphin browser not working in 2.2
Works great! Definitely feels faster. Thanks for the tip!
Help- Using a N1 on T-Mobile (ERE27); The 2.2 update went well however, I am getting an error;
“Sorry – The process android.process.acore has stopped un expectedly. Please try agaian. – Foreclose” Does anyone have any advice?
loving the update!!!
Fast smooth and an extra 160ish Mb on the ram.
So now i have 250 mb total when i clear task on my TasKiller App.
I do have one question, y doesnt the App option where u can switch where it is stored into back and forth from the internal to the external not working?
Looks like Google may have pulled this, the link above now gets a 404: The requested URL /packages/passion/ was not found on this server.
The link to the firmware update is 404 now. Man, I was ready to try it too….
Can’t get the zip file. Get the error below. Can I download it from elsewhere
Forgot the error:
Not Found
The requested URL /packages/passion/ was not found on this server.
Voice input works fine for me. Go to settings, Language and Keyboard Settings, Android Keyboard, and check the Voice Input Settings to be sure they are not “off”
has anyone the link for the update??
Nexus one, bought online from google, build ERE27: the update works seamlessly (SingTel simcard).
I have ATT Nexus One. Tried every which way to install but no dice. Doesn’t work. I have EPE54B build. Gonna have to wait for OTA as well. Oh well!
@ Sulli – The only option I have for voice input options are alternative voice server and it still doesn’t work when I click that. The show voice button is set to for english. Are you using the same one that I posted the link for because its says it doesn’t work on there as well. Not a deal breaker for me since I rarely use it anyway.
Awesome! Everything works (except, where’s FM radio?). Noticably quicker. Better screen control.
Whiter, Brighter, Fresher tasting!
Phandroid #1 Phan, here!
getting error on page can anyone post update?
I got the update but now i cant connect to my wifi and i have two android phones N1 and a MyTouch (wifi works). I did the 2.2 manual update and now i try to connect to my network an it gets stuck on obtaining IP for “my network” and it just stays there until it disconnects and try again but same deal. I’ve tried every thing. This phone is not rooted or anything i just need help with that!
Froyo working in Cayman Islands!!
If you’re able to find the file, if you download it on a mac it won’t work. Download on a PC and it will work fine.
it works fine, but there is no apps to sdcard feature though
Worked PERFECT. Got flash 10.1 also!
editing my post mr admin…. :P
Here is that update.
You can still find it here:
will this work on my palm pre?
For anyone with a AT&T/Rogers/Bell/Telus phone (850/1900/2100 MHz) version of the phone this update will currently not work.
– if your build number is ERE27 you are golden
– if your build number is EPE54B then unfortunately you’re going to have to wait
Since the original download link is not working,
can anyone please share the download with me?
@James DolphinHD works fine with mine
The download link does not work, and all other files I can’t download just get me the “Verification Failed” message.
All other files I “can” download I mean
Here is the official FRF50 OTA download.
Google stopped the link to the update :'(
Can someone send me the file, please?
Hello everybody. Google removed the download link from their official servers, but an external download link can be found here:
For those who can’t download. The link on the XDA tutorial is still working.
XDA tutorial:
I have the unlocked N1 with build number FRF50. I didn’t check before updating, but it’s working great. The only issue was that the boot animation was going for 1-2 minutes after the first reboot. Subsequent reboots are much faster than they were in 2.1.
Loaded fine from the above-referenced Mediafire address.
Using Windows, had to rename the file to simply “update” to make it work (fixed the phantom extra ‘.zip’ in the file name).
Loaded fine, but lots of stuff doesn’t work:
* Phone (I get black screen for minutes at a time – this is important)
* Gesture Search (problem caused by new indexing?)
* Dolphin browser (launches, but then freezes)
Camera works much better now. But I still need this thing to be a phone.
Reloaded system from the downloaded file. No improvement.
For the people that are still having trouble with flashing this update and are new to the whole thing, I understand it can seem overwhelming at first, but it is very very simple. Numerous guides have been posted but I’ll post my own anyway once again, just so the people at the bottom of the comments don’t have to go to the top, middle, etc.
Also, if links go down, I have the update file and will be happy to upload it to megaupload, or whatever you guys think works best.
Step 1: Download the file from your pc and save it to your computer.
Step 2: DO NOT EXTRACT the file, simply rename it update (In windows it will automatically put the .zip on the end of it, however be sure to check the details of the file and make sure it says
Step 3: Put the file on the root of your SDcard. That means connect your SDcard to the computer and drag and drop the file onto it, without putting it in any folders.
Step 4: Power off your phone
Step 5: Hold the trackball, volume down, and power button until you get to the white screen. (I’ve seen you don’t need to hold the trackball down, but I do it anyway for some reason)
Step 6: Navigate to the recovery option by pressing the volume down key.
Step 7: Once recovery is selected press the POWER button to select it
Step 8: Eventually you’ll get a triangle with an exclamation point. Press and hold the POWER button and then press the VOLUME UP up key.
Step 9: You can use the trackball now to navigate to “Apply from SDcard” and push the trackball in to select it.
Step 10: Once it finishes, it should reboot itself, if not press reboot
Step 11: Enjoy FroYo.
We can no longer download the update file. It is just me or others are facing the same issue?
@youruncleslap (or anyone)
Hi, I’m running ERE27 on my stock nexus one that I got directly from google. (I am using it on AT&T, but not the 3g version). I was wondering if anyone, ESPECCIALLY @youruncleslap, could help me with this. Why will this not work for me? I don’t see why? I’m using the same version that anyone on T-Mobile is using. All I have is an AT&T SIM. I even tried a T-Mobile SIM and it didn’t work. Please email and response to:
can i please get someone to email the file or post it. the link for the file has been taken down.
Hey Alex, I would love to get that update file from you.
@Alex do you think you can send it to me?
Thanks @Alex, worked 100% on my N1 in the UK, imported from USA (don’t know if TMo or AT&T).
What I really like: I can now – eventually – turn the phone in both directions and the screen content does the same!!!
I can’t find where to change the camera resolution, though the new camera app is rather nice.
GUYS, this DOES work for AT&T phones. I ordered mine directly from the google store to work with AT&T and have 2.2 running on it right now with no issues.
1. Unlock the phone with fastboot
2. Load the latest superboot img
3. Load the latest Amon RA recovery img for the n1
4. Use Paul’s pre rooted froyo update.
It works. I knew nothing about unlocking or rooting until last night, so its not that hard.
why doesnt google just roll out 2.2 to every android phone insted of having to wait just cause some of us have htc sense UI….thats rediculous……thats a thumbs down on google……not even apple does that
I think I have successfully downloaded the file on my iMac. It saves it as a folder named signed-passion-FRF50-from-ERE27. Is that correct? It doesnt zip it, and if I edit the name of the folder and add .zip to the end of it the name it says it will make it one file. Is that also correct? I also read that people are having trouble with their WiFi connections and some other issues. Should I just wait for the actual update or should I just get this one? I know its too many questions, but I just want to get what works best without messing up my phone. Seeing as I have no insurance on my N1.
Can someone send me the update….? And share the sweet froyo!
Perfect. Worked on my N1. Thanks!
@Frank Go to comment 373 by supercobra. Its the correct file. Update your phone and tell me how it goes. Im scared to do it haha
please post a link to the file on rapidshare etc. also please post the md5 of the original file.
Probably this is not Froyo 2.2 that we saw at the Google I / 0, because if not where is:
And if you do not get where all these new ‘:
-The graphical interface of the application-to-date music;
-You can install applications directly from the PC;
-Android-market waterway pc;
-Install and / or move applications to the SD card;
-Improved browser with the addition of new APIs for developers and includes a room and buzz;
-Voice commands and instant translation in several languages;
-Music in streaming
…Magnometro-maps in the browser;
It took around 20 minutes, but now the phone is working fine,and Gesture Search is back. Great – this thing rocks now.
Dolphin Browser is still hosed, and so is Rhapsody. Most other stuff works fine. Glad to have done the upgrade.
Great update. Flash is mostly good but we need some sort of flash ad blocker thing that will activate flash content on touch (like Nokia N900).
One huge security problem though. If you use the pattern which is much easier than the pin, does it not show the green outline thing on logging in anymore? In my case, it shows red if I dont do the pattern right but the green tracks are nowhere to be seen when I’m unlocking the phone. Its like I did nothing to the screen but thank God it still lets me in. Any ideas?
Also forgot, the ram freeing up is great. 275 ram free when all apps were killed compared to 102mb before.
One question tho, now when you open the application drawer thing, the framerate seems low and not as smooth. before it felt “laggy” when I had the animation wallpapers but then changed em to nonanimate wallpapers and it was smooth. Thats not the case anymore.
Everything else is good :)
my goodness me, I’m watching programs on HULU on my N1!
Luis…that is correct. If you have build er27, then you can update if you’re a tmo client.
Anyone notice the enhancement of the 3d effect of the scrolling application cube? Nice!
@olypdd – very impressive, since Hulu did not work for me even after I installed the Flash beta. It didn’t seem to work for others either – how’d you do it?
is HULU running smooth? when I gave it a shot it was just struggling so I decided to go back to the android mode in the browser.
Upgraded to Froyo, and love it!!
I like the fact that they’ve fixed the screen rotation (now rotates both ways). I have noticed though, that a number of Apps in the Android Market no longer appear on the Froyo Market (an example being HistoryEraser).
This could be a problem, and something to consider before upgrading (too late for me, though I’m not sure I care)…
BTW, it’s a lot easier if you just download the Froyo update file straight to your phone (from the phones browser), and rename using a file manager app… works great on N1
Anyone else not getting any Trackball flashing?
Thanks XDA Developers and Mike! Followed steps and worked perfectly.
(unrooted N1 T-Mobile)
Two more questions:
1. When we can we do cloud-to-cloud as in sending a link from a computer to your phone?
2. Will we get updated with 2.2 as usual, even though we manually updated, when HTC sends it out?
…and it’s not just for the ERE27 build – I have it on the FRF50 build…
1. When can we*
How do we know that this is the official and that Google wont penalize people who have this on their phone?
@Ryan: Because Google isn’t like Apple. :)
Could you please update the post with the md5sum of the .zip file? The Google link is down, but there are copies appearing out there, and I’m a bit paranoid …
Luis, I re-read your question. If you download it on a Mac, do not open or unzip the download. Simply rename it to and drag it to the sd card of your nexus one. Do not put it in any folders, just drag and drop it in the card. Then follow the instructions such as Alex posted above.
Make sure you read the instructions that display on the N1 screen as to which button to push to select, etc. One step requires pushing the power button to select, and another step requires pushing the track ball to select.
I keep getting a signature verification failed. Then it aborts. Can someone email me and give me a lil help please. It would be greatly appreciated.
the link is broken so how can i get the froyo firmware???
Can you give me info how to update my HTC Desire into 2.2?
Does Froyo (2.2) actually have Apps2SD?
Another website has it detailed as a feature of Froyo (2.2)
If so, how is it done?
The link is not working… :(
when i try to download the link in the first option it says the link is invalid!!
@Ryan I have been doing manual updates on Android since cupcake. I still get OTA’s for patches and whatnot. Usually the manual updates are up before the official release, but this one was the other way around.
anyone seeem to notice the battery dying a lot faster? of is it just because i love 2.2 so much im on my phone constantly ?
I have two N1s. One is rooted and the other isnt. The NOT-rooted phone updated just fine by following the instructions above (though they could explain how to “scroll” and exactly how to “press power and vol up ‘at same time’…which sounds simple, but there is actually a lot of variation possible…most if which doesn’t work).
For the rooted phone, I downloaded Paul O’Brien’s ( repack, which can be flashed without any pre-reqs after a wipe from a custom recovery. It also includes the radio update…and works 100%. I wiped Cyanogen Mod 5.0.6 and I’m not effectively running a rooted Froyo stock on my N1. Lovely so far….though I’m missing Apps2sd as none of the apps I have support the new Google method yet.
Interestingly, Android Market / Google knew what apps I had installed on the phone and they were re-installed in the background in the hour or so after booting for the first time. *THAT* was amazing.
am from the Philippines i downloaded last night on my stock N1 and am loving it… but i cant figure out how to move applications to the sd card the move on sd card button cant be pressed, anyone can help?
* if you download on windows OS, rename the file just “update”.
* after the the exclamation mark with the android just press the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons( i counted 3 seconds before releasing, be patient here)
i hope it deosnt have any other effect because am from the US… ty
correction: am “NOT” from the US
by the way some applications dont work well anymore like handcent, HTC_IME keyboard…. any idea?
@Luis, the link was fine.. And I am enjoying Froyo.
Go ahead and download it and follow all the steps!
Works great.
Woo hoo.. it is working now.. Thanks for link provided by 373. supercobra! Enjoy guys~
i love this link.
I just checked the link and it’s no longer active.
I downloaded htc_ime keyboard for Froyo on N1 and it works great. It is set to proper resolution for landscape mode too. It just doesn’t activate the mic for voice to text. I could care less.
They probably pulled the link to finish up the OS with fm radio, apps to sd etc. I don’t care about those, but I imagine we’ll get to update again as things refine.
Here’s a new link for the manual Froyo update-
can you post the link where to download htc_ime for froyo on N1… ty mate
Have to wait for developers to write apps to install to sd card. At install time, the system checks the value of android:installLocation and installs the application .apk according to the preferred location, if possible. If the application has requested external installation, the system installs it into a private, encrypted partition in the external media. Once an application .apk is installed externally, the system lets the user change the storage location of the .apk and move it onto the device’s internal memory if needed (and vice versa), through Manage Applications in the user settings.
By default, the system installs all applications onto the device’s internal memory, except for those that explicitly request external installation. So apps will have to be developed for the sd card option.
That info comes courtesy of Matthew Gao on the Google help site who obtained this info from developers site (unk which)
lolo- That link under entry 401 above your post is the current one
So Im lost, is the link that was up the link that the phones would use during OTA? If thats true does that mean that by taking it down, it could be different from what has currently been distributed.
The battery is dying so much faster on froyo its really messed up!!! I really need to go back to android 2.1 does anyone know how?
Now I’m reading on Google’s help site that the file dates on that last link I posted are from Nov 09 (according to someone who checked), so check the download before install.
Installation of applications on the SD card works perfect. It just isn’t an option untill the phones memory is full. Proof: look in setting/ applications/ manage applications
407. olypdd wrote on May 24, 2010
Now I’m reading on Google’s help site that the file dates on that last link I posted are from Nov 09 (according to someone who checked), so check the download before install.
I have just checked inside and all the files are dated 2009.
Might be better to wait…
The update is available here (my server) for 12 hours from now (07:16am US EDT – May 24th)
is the manual update the exact same as the ota?
m using the N1 with ERE27 in India, will the update work perfectly on my device??? also will i get an Over the Air update of android 2.2 in India?? i’m using vodafone network
Updated my NEXUS ONE last night,was easy. Some apps are little biggie with the update but the benefit far out weigh negative. OMG!!! Bluetooth file transfer finely works correct, Don’t need PDAnet, my N1 is faster with more free memory.
I’ve owned lots of out of market handset,starting with SE v800,SE w850i,N n95,N n958gb,A iPhone,S i8910(HD).
NEXUS ONE, hands down is the best SMART phone i have ever owned,does everything i ask of it plus more.
Downloaded this yesterday before the Google link went down and runs flawlessly. The only thing I don’t have is FM radio, which I read elsewhere that it’s probably not going be coming anytime soon from Google anyway – as they’re encouraging devs to find ways to cook it into their ROMs. But voice search works great, doesn’t sap my battery, it’s super snappy and runs flash great on hulu! Love the frozen delight that is Froyo!
I have AT&T Nexus One with Froyo 2.2
Used these methods to mod, everything else works great, just not wifi…
1. How to unlock the bootloader:…your-nexus-one/
2. Modaco’s superboot:…-the-nexus-one/
3. FRF50 with radio…online-kitchen/
My only problem at the moment is wifi is acting up, not working… Everything else is perfect.
Worked, but I’m not satisfied. No radio FM. Well, lets try flash. What are the features you have found different? The trackball doesnt change the color…..anyone found that extension for chrome to send applications to N1?
How big of a file is that…. I am an N1 owner. Could someone email it to me. the link is down
Using a Galaxy Spica by Samsung, can someone tell me how to get the update i have downloaded the file but cannot get to point 5
Navdeep Singh , i use ere27 from bangalore on airtel network. downloaded the update from the link, installed it .. working absolutely fine. need to figure out app2sd.
the update size is 44mb. calendar works with my exchange account as well. the phone is a lot faster . downloaded flash 10.1 beta this morning. works fine. it does take some time though. Dont care about radio.
Hey, someone who download the file could send a new link for us ? because this one is dead
hey singh…u guys assassinated indera Gandhi. …damn ur ancestors
I’m curious to know what that Android trilobite icon is related to.
Also, I’m getting a 404 error when I click on the download link.
thanx for d info krunal.. really helpful.. lemme know if u get any update about app2sd coz that is also a necessary feature.
@ pilling: learn to spell Indira gandhi first, then talk about it…
If you knew anything about software you would know that’s not Google’s fault. It’s HTCs responsibility to create a version of Sense that works with Google’s latest Android OS.
“why doesnt google just roll out 2.2 to every android phone insted of having to wait just cause some of us have htc sense UI….thats rediculous……thats a thumbs down on google……not even apple does that”
If anyone wants the orginal zip file I can share it via Dropbox. Just post your email.
the link to download to upgrade manually is not FOUND !!!. i think it is removed now !
could somebody please fwd a link to the zip file,thanks in advance vivek
updated successfully.. 2.2 is a marvel… just that my trackball doesnt light up now at new notifications.. anyone has any idea how to sort it out…
xgh0s7 @
FYI- I downloaded the first posted link and everything works great. No FM radio, but perhaps that is to come. Trackball lights up as usual, flash content on the web plays fine.
I think the NOV 09 date is possibly the original date of work or code building for the included files that were built on, enhanced for new features and updates to the os. I am no developer but that seems a logical explanation.
HULU did work when I config’d as a desktop but now it does NOT. HULU put the habeus stop-us on that I guess.
You can get the HTC_IME keyboard for froyo at the XDA developers site. Google it and it should be easy to find. I don’t recall the link at present.
@dilbert a share would much apreciated ;)
try free up to 100mb
and BTW….I have to wonder if battery life for some is worse because they’re having a hay day with their device to explore the new features, etc. I know I was using it much more, but the novelty wears off and life returns to normal and the anticipation of gingerbread. I love gingerbread…with whip cream.
hay guise,
trai this:
i didn’t work for me and i have a t-mobile nexus one with 2.1 rom got the same error message
Hello Froyo. Suck it Moto!
For everyone who keeps having problems loading it on, make sure that the file you load onto your sd card is the full 44.4 MB. Its a simple mistake I have seen people make.
link not working! says error not found. plz fix soon.
Upgrade worked like a charm on my stock T-Mobile Nexus One. Simply followed the instructions on this site – and voila!
Start to finish in less than 15 minutes.
okay so i got the zip file, i renamed it ‘update’ (zip is already included) and i got up to the “apply and i select it and gives me…
E:can’t open /cache/recovery/command
–install from sd card..
finding update package..
opening update package..
verifying update package..
E:failed to open /sdcard/ such fil
e or directory)
E:signature verification failed
installation aborted.
im running 2.1-update, i have t mobile N1, is not rooted, battery is fully does anyone know what is wrong????
link to download 404’s now
Need the download, here it is (proceed at your own caution):
If you using window name your file “update” there no need to name “” cause it already a zip file.
I kinda did it two time. I was wonder if I have a double rom 2.2 in my the phone? please anyone could tell me. thank you
If you using window just name the file “update” don’t need to name “” cause it already a zip file for window.
Thanks for the info – hat to get the zip from another site but now I’m up and running with flash! I can play nanaca crash on my N1 woot!
the link for the file doesnt work anymore does anyone know where else to get the file?
The links on post 482 work. but when i go thru the installation process i get the same message as post 480. So i guess I will just wait until google sends out the regular updates not worth risking messing up my phone
HEY the link is dead! Where else can the firmware be found?
Is it just me or has the Froyo download link not work anymore! :(
Downloaded it directly using Dolphin HD browser. The update process was totally painless. My Nexus One went from having only 54MB available memory to 214.8MB available with all these apps loaded:
Amazon MP3, Battery Widget, Browser, CallFilter, Clock, Contacts, Food & Wine, GV Dialer, Gesture Search, Google Voice, Google Voice Callback, Mabilo Wallpapers, My Account, My Uploads, News and Weather, Settings, Smart Keyboard Pro, and WaveSecure.
update: Ignore my post 489 im succesfully on 2.2 you have to download from one of the many links above in the many post, the issue i had is that you CANNOT download the file from your phone, you have to download on a pc and change the file name on the pc then using a MicroUsb cord transfer the file to ur sd card than follow steps 3-8
I’m also getting the error
E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted.
Sounds like there is a rooted and non-rooted? How do I check that?
the DL from post 473 is legit
Froyo up and running! Preci!
thank you for the tip i installed the htc_ime for froyo now… ahihihihi
Tried the manual download URL got 404 page not found error, any alternate site?
Great got it from Rapidshare and I am on FroYo now YO YO… not explored all features yet but happy!
Google on Froyo
Best answer – Ry Guy (Google Employee) Go to this answer
Hi all,
Thanks for the responses!
Just wanted to give a heads up that the build floating around is not the official Froyo release. You will get an automatic notification when we OTA the build, no need to manually download it. You will still get the automatic notification if the official release is a newer version than the one you have, so don’t sweat…but I’d highly recommend waiting for our official release :)
@Bhushan4181: You will get the OTA update as long as you are connected to the internet and can communicate with Google servers.
We are striving hard to OTA the build to you ASAP, thanks for your patience!
Thanks for posting this up! Just did this on my Tmo N1 and worked like a charm. Loving the hot spot feature already!
Android 2.2 is working fine for me so far, no issues. But then i was on stock firmware (not rooted). SO far i’m impressed with what i see, i didn’t think the Flash demo, where the adobe guy opened would be as good in real usage, so i tried it out myself hehe,heres the result, and i’m impressed :)
hello! i installed the android 2.2 FroYo. I have 2 problems:
1. How can i move the apps on my sdcard( the button is not working)?
2. The app Advanced TAsk Killer is not closing when i select “kill selected apps” and the ATK in selected too!
I installed froyo on mine this past weekend & was working fine until today when suddenly I no longer can browse the web no matter what browser I use, but only when on 3G/EDGE – getting “web page not available”. It works fine with wifi. Also another weird thing, now when I go to the market & select downloads Google Maps is the only one showing. Interestingly enough, email/calendar continue to sync via 3G/EDGE.
Called N1 support just now, the guy said that the froyo I downloaded wasn’t the final version, though it was from Google site. Now I’ll have to wait for the final version of froyo when it’s pushed out, ETA a couple weeks according tot he dude. FML!
stef i have the same problem as you, is it the link we downloaded or whats the problem? my Advance Task Killer will no close no matter what i do! do i need to update it or does it just always run? won’t this drain the battery?
Please let me know if anyone finds a way to fix this or help me! AIM: Lancerzor!
I found a download link on this website that works. I tried and installed FroYo worked great!!
Found a mirror to the download link. Tried it worked and installs just fine
I just installed Fyoyo update 2.2 for my N1 and i can’t install apps to SD.. can i get some help how to install them to SD? i see an option but it wouldn’t let me install to SD its not available.
Thanks #482. Your link worked perfectly.
i did everything…it even said rebooting etc but after it turned on its still the same 2.1 someone plz help me
step 4. press volume down n power until the white windows appear, count about 3 – 5 secs i think.
download look for manual update no longers works…fyi (i already updated)
download *link no longer works (correction)
Just RENAME THE FILE TO UPDATE not UPDATE.ZIP. I am using vista and THIS IS THE ONLY WAY IT WORKED FOR ME with both updates.
ok, so this works for the droid incredible, that means it must work for the droid as well
but anybody knoe if this will work for the G1? plz help.
I have the Nexus 1 on T-Mobile. And I’m waiting…waiting…waiting…
for those with the aborted installlation :
E:signature verification failed
Try a new method of puttin the update file on your SD card.
I was trying to bluetooth it instead of dragging it from PC and got that error… but when i downloaded directly on my opera browser on my n1 and renamed it… it worked
worked flawlessly on my unlocked N1. everything works great. Took all of 2 minutes to complete. Blazingly fast now.
FYI I took out my Tmobile prepaid sim before I did the upgrade on my N1.
download link no longer available.
Just a note:
If you tried to download directly from the N1 like I did you probably got the signature error too.
For some reason when you download straight from the phone, the .zip file is compressed to ~100k instead of the right size.
Downloading the exact same file from a computer and transferring it with a USB cable was the only way for me.
Now I think it works.. currently installing as I type.
dude to fix the E:signature verification failed put it on your sd card first and then rename it worked great for me thanks
if have an E:signiture error. rename the file “update” without the “.zip” it should work fine.
Mine did work.enjoying 2.2 froyo
I would like to report it works on an Egyptian Vodaphone Nexus One :)
After applying the update, it rebooted automatically and everything seems to be ok. A little faster. Going to try flash stuff now! :)
Have been trying to do it manaually however I everytime I click the provided link, it takes me to a page that says:
“Not Found
The requested URL /packages/passion/ was not found on this server.”
Nevermind, I’m a doofus its that whole right click to download thing getting the best of me. :)
hey if i do this will i be able to go back to 2.1 update 1 if i wanted too…??
Ok. me again, when I try to download its says “0 bytes of ? – file doesn’t exist”
hi.your link is broken down.when i open it .it wont work please give me other link to dl. im want froyo as my life.tanx
Won’t work for me. I keep getting the signature verification error. I’ve tried renaming the file (removing the .zip) and am using a usb cable to transfer it to the phone. But still no luck. I’m wondering if the file is corrupt.
On Ere27 rooted, cant seem to get passed this,
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Verifying update package…
Installing update…
Verifying current system…
assert failed: apply_patch_check (”MTD:boot:2101248:e7f20e513e5bd5c30e20670e992092296ee731a0:2392064:a233aa76b83a5efcc03f66c51a418cb15c4d9ab2″)
E:Error in /sdcard/
(status 7)
Tried everything diffirent downloads, make sure no double zip, battery filled up even did a rain dance still nothing WTF any one any clues,
What patch is it refrencign
Hi, i am one of the “tech challenged” quick question. im getting the mytouch slide, i plan on waiting on Tmo’s froyo 2.2 update if its not already on there, once i have the update is there any point in rooting my phone? and why? i would appreciate any and all complex and laymans responses!!! Thanx!!!
i got the same erroe as tracy ford
link down
Everytime i try to install Froyo, it comes up with an “Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted
Hi, seems like the download link on this article is broken. I found another place with a working link. Froyo 2.2 update file
Says link not found when going to the link in the article.
Can someone confirm that this will work for languages other then English as well?
For example Dutch
Just curious, what is a ‘NON ROOT’ user?
Update worked for me… yehaaaaw!!
Have Flash player running.
Phone definitely seems more responsive
worked. then again i had the last 2 updates. wasn really anything different. but froyo is still awesomeness…..
looking forward to some gingerbread now.
Will this work with the motorola droid? unrooted?
Do you know when will be available froyo Android 2.2 for Google Nexus one and HTC Desire ? I mean, when will the phones update automatically ?
I want to buy an HTC Nexus one or HTC Desire but don’t know if I should wait ? (and if you can give me reasons why choosing Desire or Nexus one, it would help me more !!!).
And if i buy a Desire can I disable HTC SENSE and then will my phone update exactly as a Gphone Nexus one (it means without waiting that HTC allows the phone to update) ?
Thank you so much for your help to a confused one :-)
Can u send it. To me plz
For everyone getting installation abort problem. upgrading to froyo 2.2 will now work on hard spl 1.33.2010 only on SPL 1.33.2009 so download that and flash it onto your phone and then upgrade to 2.2 and it will work fine.
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installatiom aborted. ANY IDEASSS??????
Hi guys! There’s a new software update available for Nexus One. The version is Android 2.2.1 and you can download and check the manually install steps on this page
Hello guys, the link to android 2.2 appears to be broken
any clues?
Do you’ve any movies that you would recommend watching so i can learn more about this?
worked flawlessly on my unlocked N1. everything works great. Took all of 2 minutes to complete. Blazingly fast now.
android is one of the best os for phones , I have started working on it and found very interesting. developing android apps simply rocks.
froyo has amazing features all deadly.