Simplify Media Was Acquired Specifically For Android’s Streaming Music Capabilities

Remember that cool streaming music functionality that Google’s Vic Gundotra showed off at yesterday’s I/O keynote? Now we know where it’s come from. According to ReadWriteWeb, Google acquired a company called Simplify Media a couple of months ago. The acquisition was followed by a suspension of their services and the need to pull their app from Apple’s app store.

Their efforts with the reportedly popular service won’t go to waste, though, because Google brought them on to develop the service specifically for Android. For those that weren’t able to see the keynote, Google demonstrated functionality that allows you to stream music (and other media) directly to your phone from your desktop.

If Google can’t innovate from within, then they have no problem throwing their dollars behind a company that can – and that’s why Android’s future remains very brightly lit.

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