European HTC Hero To Receive Android 2.1 Next Month?

After the dance-around with HTC and some of their US-bred Sense devices – namely the Sprint HTC Hero and the HTC Droid Eris – users finally got their hands on the Android 2.1 update that was driving everyone mad. Everyone rejoiced except for one very big, loud crowd that still has not gotten the pleasure of being updated to Eclair: the European HTC Hero owners.


One of our members over at Androidforums.comStevenChap – finally got fed up with HTC and opted to send an angry (but somewhat clean) letter of concern and complaints to the Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer. Here’s the text – word for word – in its entirety:

For the past 3months now, your supposed self proclaimed, ‘simply brilliant’ company has riddled us, the customers, who buy your phones with lies and filth. I bought this phone under the presumption it would get regular upgrades and compete with the iPhone. Well, clearly not since you keep pushing back and delaying the god damn update. How can you smug sad excuses for a company sit there, while paying customers wait for a upgrade thats probably never going to come. And for the 234543 time, when is the HTC hero getting the god damn 2.1 update…

Apparently, HTC must’ve gotten fed up with all of the angry letters they’ve been getting because Steven (assuming that’s not his real name since he elected to blank it out in his screenshot) was successful in drawing a response out of them.

Hi [redacted] thanks for your email. Regarding the Hero 2.1 update: This was delayed back in March, and is currently awaiting OTA release next month. There will be two updates that you will receive. The first will be a small update early in June that prepares the Hero to be able to receive the larger, 2.1 update a couple of weeks later. When you receive the prompt for the second update, which is the actual 2.1 update, i would suggest you do it over wifi as it is over 100MB in size. best regards, [redacted]. HTC

There you have it. There’s absolutely no way that this couldn’t be fake, so do not take any of this with 100% certainty that you guys will be getting your update this June. Still, it’s always good to have a little bit of hope to hold onto, and if 2.1 rollouts on similar Sense-enabled devices are anything to go by, then there’s a good chance that your Eclair comes out of the oven and dipped into a vat of chocolate this June.

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