Did you ever think you could get excited about advertising on your phone? Neither did I, but the rich media ads by Medialets that found their way into today’s Google I/O keynote may have changed my mind. Google has worked up several new ways for developers and advertisers to deliver ad content to users, all of which occur in a very non-intrusive way. Medialets was responsible for one of the cooler ads, one for the upcoming movie Splice. The ad expands to provide the user with a lot of content, from pictures to videos, all without closing out of the app it was launched from. Check it out:
We had heard about Medialets releasing their rich media ad SDK back in April, but this is the first we are seeing of just how effective the results can be. Sure, at the end of the day no one really wants to be bombarded with advertising all over their phone, but if having ads means an app can be free, and if those ads are actually kind of cool to play around with without detracting from the user experience, I’m all for it.