
Dataviz Showcasing Documents To Go 3.0 At Google I/O


The first thing many of my friends ask me about when they get their first Android phone is how to view Microsoft office files. Android does not ship with any office suites, but there are some viable options in the market. Perhaps the biggest of these options come from Dataviz, who makes Documents To Go.

Available in both Free and Paid variations (Free version is read-only), it allows you to view and edit your Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files, as well as the ability to view PDF files. They’re gearing up to launch version 3.0 of their suite, now, and it looks like they’ll have some exciting things to show off at Google I/O this Wednesday.


The biggest upgrade they’re touting is support for Office 2010 files (complete with password protection). Other notable improvements include a better file managing experience, multi-touch support for the PDF viewer, and a Windows application that will allow you to sync files between your Android phone and your PC.

I picked this app up during the Cinco De Mayo sale where they were offering the paid version for just $5.55. It was a definite steal considering all you get with it (and considering that the app is normally $14.99-$29.99 depending on what specials they’re running). Even for $30, the mobile professional and student will get all of their money’s worth out of this powerful application, and it looks to only get better starting at Google I/O tomorrow.

[via The Unwired]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I am pretty sure my Droid came installed with quick office which has no problem opening all Msoft files including the latest .dcox, xslx, etc.

    Sure it doesn’t allow you to edit, but at least you can view. Not sure I would want to edit word docs, etc on the phone anyway – just saying.

  2. Wow, sounds like I a very good upgrade. I’ll grab and test this when it hits the market. :D Let’s hope they run a huge sale like they did before!

  3. Its a good application but it will be more useful when the android tablets get released.

  4. Any word on syncing with Google Docs? Dataviz had promised that a while back.

  5. Is the upgrade free for people who bought 2.0?

  6. I wish there had been mention of the upgrade price (free?) at the Docs to Go site.

    I love the software — so useful.

  7. I got my full Docs2Go about half a year ago for $9.99, thanks for the Phandroid news!

  8. @Nigel, I stated that Android doesn’t ship with Office products, meaning the OS itself before manufacturers and carriers put their own apps into it.

  9. Maybe with this version they actually HIDE THE FREAKIN KEY.. I mean wtf!?? I takes literally like 2 lines of code to do that crap… WOW, Glad I got mine for free (payback for the devs being idiots).

  10. They’ve already stated in the Market comments that version 3.0 would hide the key in the app tray. I don’t think that one minor issue is justification to pirate the application, though.

  11. ^ no but the price is. $15-$30? ahahaha i just went and got a free copy of this software online and its the full version. BOOYAH!!!!!!!

  12. @s congratulations! you are helping to kill the Android platform. A good portion of App Devs already think Android users aren’t willing to pay for apps and have decided not to bother writing or porting apps for us.

    Support the developers by purchasing the apps you use. Without them you can kiss Android goodbye.

  13. Dave in post 5 has the right point. I am in the same boat. Paid for 2.0 and want a free upgrade!

  14. I’d also love to see Google Docs integrations.

    I’ve given up with office, I do all my business documents via google docs now – it’s a shame that I can edit Word, Excel docs perfectly fine on my phone but not my GDocs.

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