Droid Does Campaign Keeps Going And Going… And Going

The now-popular phrase “when there’s no limit to what Droid gets, there’s no limit to what Droid does” has been stuck in my head for a long time, now, and – while the phrase applies to Verizon’s Android phones and the Android Market – it’s beginning to apply to these ads from Verizon, as well.

There truly is no limit to how many ads they can put out promoting Android and its “ever-expanding” market, and their continued push to bring Android to the mainstream smartphone crowd is highly effective – and not to mention appreciated. To that, I say to Verizon: keep going! Go until your strong little marketing legs can go no further – because when there’s no limit to how much support Verizon throws behind Android, there’s no limit to how much bigger Android’s install base will grow.

[via Androinica]

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