Phonedog Takes The Garminfone Out Of The Box [Video]

Noah from received a T-Mobile Garminfone in its final retail packaging and did the world a favor by gracing us with an unboxing video. Everything here is your standard fare of  content, including showing off the items piece by piece and taking us more in-depth with Garmin-ASUS’ custom version of Android.

What’s most interesting about unboxing, though, is that the phone comes with some neat travel and docking accessories that you might otherwise find sold separately with other devices. Of the interesting items, included is an international-ready power adapter and several items to dock the phone to your car window (like you would a traditional GPS unit).

I’d appreciate a car-charger for those long GPS-intensive trips, but you can’t ask for the world (because in Soviet Russia, the world asks for YOU).

[Update]: Maybe I should look carefully, next time. As you guys said, there is indeed a cigarette lighter adapter to keep your GPS/Phone hybrid juiced up on the go.

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