EVO Pre-orders Beginning At Best Buy, Possibly Other Retail Outlets

I woke up this morning to an email in my inbox – courtesy of Best Buy – suggesting that I stop in to pre-order the HTC EVO 4G. While Sprint isn’t ready to offer similar services on their own terms yet, Best Buy has long been a reputable third-party mobile retailer that usually gives you no fluff in buying service through them as opposed to through the carrier, so anyone looking to pre-order should know that this is their absolute first chance.

Later on in the day, I’ll be ringing both Best Buy and Sprint to get more details on how one can pre-order the EVO and what catches, discounts, or quirks might be involved in that. I know Best Buy usually bypasses the need to mail-in a rebate form to get your discount, so it might be worth checking them out for your pre-order needs, as well. Has anyone else noticed any other retailers beginning pre-orders for the device?

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