Wanna See The Innards Of A Droid Incredible? [Video]

Verizon released their HTC Droid Incredible, last week, and the phone rocks. Aesthetically, anyway, we can’t help but to keep slobbing over the 3.7-inch sensation as it flaunts itself in commercial spots, ads, and in-store demos. Now, it’s time to get a bit more intimate with the Incredible as it gets stripped down to its bare component set and shows that beauty truly is only skin-deep.

After all of that cheesy rambling I did above, hopefully the video helped you forget that. TechRestore put together a cool stop-motion video of the Droid Incredible, which takes us from unboxing the device right down to the nitty and gritty of what makes its clock tick. Seeing the device get defangled like that might not be for the weak at heart, but at least the guys had the decency to reassemble the red-trimmed tall drink of water back to its original state.

[TechRestore via Engadget]

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