Google I/O Schedule Released

Tim Bray just tweeted a link to the 2010 Google I/O schedule for May 19th and 20th. Two of the more interesting Android-related sessions are focused on game development and targeting applications for all Android devices.

For the session focused on getting some quality games onto Android here is the description:

This session is a crash course in Android game development: everything you need to know to get started writing 2D and 3D games, as well as tips, tricks, and benchmarks to help your code reach optimal performance. In addition, we’ll discuss hot topics related to game development, including hardware differences across devices, using C++ to write Android games, and the traits of the most popular games on Market.

And the session that seems to be making an attempt to tackle at least some facets of the fragmentation issue:

One of Android’s strengths is its flexibility to run on a wide variety of devices. In this session, we will explore the facilities the Android resource system provides to developers to make supporting many devices from one application binary easier, as well as common pitfalls. In addition to hardware heterogeneity, more than one version of Android may exist in the wild at any given time. We will go over strategies for providing cross-version compatibility.

An interesting tidbit pointed out by Bray in his tweet are several TBA Android sessions for the end of Thursday May 20th. It could mean they just haven’t sorted out the exact details, but I’m also willing to bet that at least one of these sessions will be aimed at revealing some brand new, top-secret information, such as, I don’t know, maybe Android 2.2.

For the full schedule head on over to the Google I/O page.

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