Dates Revealed for Verizon HTC Droid Incredible Webinar

We now have specific dates to go along with yesterday’s internal Verizon memo about an HTC Incredible webinar for store employees. The training session for SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) will take place on Wednesday, April 21st or Thursday, April 22nd, falling a week before the April 29th release date of the now-named Droid Incredible by HTC. See the new internal e-mail confirming the dates below.

Note the “Important Reminder” below the dates in the image:

*Please have your ACTIVATED DROID Incredible by HTC with you when attending this webinar.*

Methinks this is a good sign that Verizon will have these devices in-stock well in advance of release and in the hands of employees who are encouraged to take the webinar in store. I wouldn’t recommend stalking said employees or camping out by your local VZW store on these days, however. The last thing Phandroid wants to report is the senseless mugging of poor Verizon store SMEs!

At this point, there is no denying that Verizon is putting this device out at the end of April, but the question remaining is when will the advertising begin? They seem to be prepping pretty well for it’s release internally, but outside of the tech crowd the phone is an unknown. Stay tuned in the coming weeks, as there is no doubt the Incredible news will continue to roll in hot and heavy.

Thanks again to the members posting in the HTC Incredible thread at AndroidForums!

[via AndroidForums]

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