Get Proactive With Your Public Wi-Fi Stealing Needs Using WeFi

Even with 3G coverage at most major points within a city, it’s easy to find yourself itching for a faster connection to use data on your phone (or to find a good spot to hook your laptop up with if you aren’t able to tether). WeFi makes that process one-hundred times simpler by aggregating crowd-sourced information for you in a database that will soon become your best friend.

The app takes user-submitted data to show you information about the WiFi hotspots in your area: are they secure? Do you have to pay to use any of them? Can you log-on for free and avoid having to pay anything to either your data provider or the provider of said hotspot? This app will definitely find its permanent spot on your phone if you ever needed to know about the connections available in your area.

The biggest selling point for me has to be that you can enter your current address and find out where all the hotspots are hiding in a much larger spectrum (something that becomes an invaluable tool when relying on just your phone’s WiFi range to see what’s in your immediate vicinity). I intend to try this out myself as I’m quite the cheapskate and would love it if I could freeload my way out of having to pay for my data plan.

It might be worth giving WeFi a shot if you aren’t happy with your current solution. Check the Android market for the app or use this convenient QR code.

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