Sprint Kicks-Off NFL Draft with Sprint Football Live

Though the season is still months out, the NFL Draft is only weeks away, and those Android users on Sprint will be able to get all the latest news straight on their phones with the new Sprint Live Football app. What is essentially a new take on the Sprint NFL Live app that went out along with Sprint and the NFL’s partnership improves on that app in many areas.

The new app features blogs from various top Football writers, player statistics and scouting reports, and up to the minute news on all your favorite teams. Also going on currently is a mock draft leading up to the fantasy football season. We can assume this will eventually lend itself to some sort of fantasy football integration.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Sprint Football Live will only run on a Sprint enabled handset, and won’t be compatible with any custom ROMs you may have installed. A lack of Wi-Fi is also disappointing.

A few screen shots follow. If you already have the Sprint NFL Live app on your phone, simply open it and you will be prompted to update.

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