Android Surge Continues: Droid Catapults Android Upwards

In case you forgot, Android has a ridiculous amount of momentum. The latest ComScore report, which focuses on mobile trends from November 2009 through February 2010, has been published and shows Android’s steep and swift climb towards the top. This report is PARTICULARLY interesting to me because it compares life BEFORE Verizon’s Motorola Droid (November 2009) to life after (or with) the Droid (February 2010).

As you can see, since the Droid launched, Android’s US Market Share has gone from 3.8% to 9%, practically tripling!

While I find it hard to believe that Palm was so far ahead of Android in the first place, Comscore data shows that Android went from owning HALF the market share of Palm to nearly doubling it. While Microsoft and Palm dropped down significantly, I wouldn’t expect Apple’s tiny .1 tick to continue – especially after they announce a new version of their OS, a new version of their iPhone hardware, and possibly new carrier partners.

I am still impressed with how high RIM and their BlackBerry brand soars, but I fear (for them) they won’t enjoy that margin for much longer. Somehow they enjoyed smartphone growth yet again, but with an OS and hardware that hasn’t pushed much innovation, how far will customer familiarity go?

As for Android, we know exactly where it will go… UP!

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